Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thursday Training Update... Maine Coast Half Marathon Week 2

As a BibRave Pro I received free entry into the Maine Coast Half Marathon...

This week has been an eye opener for me. I've been getting up to do training runs with the Speed Demons and I am just loving it. I have never been an early morning person, but I am hopping out of bed at 4:45 so I can be at the track by 5:30. Insanity.

Ok, on to the workouts.

Thursday... workout with the Speed Demons. We did tempo runs, and although the course they chose was hilly, it was a preview of part of our Saturday long run, so I appreciated that. 4 miles done! Discount code in the pic too, for a little bonus....

Friday was a rest day because I had back to back runs on the weekend, but I did squeeze in some squats.

Saturday was our long run. The ladies are doing awesome and coaching them is a breeze. We are still at a 1 minute run, 1:30 walk but we will be cutting back our walk time this weekend. Almost 7.5 miles done!

Sunday was the Big Game 4 Miler. No recap yet, it's been crazy around here, but it was some serious fun! I ran the last 2 miles with some Speed Demons and shaved almost a minute off of last year's time!

That ended week 1 of training for Maine Coast with a few bonus miles thrown in.

Week 2 began on Tuesday with a track workout. The more experienced runners were doing half mile repeats, but I had a runner with me who is back from hip surgery so we ran the straights and walked the curves. We did 3 together and then I did one more after she left for work.

Wednesday was a rest day, but I took a lovely 2 mile walk to get my 30 minutes in. I try not to skip a day completely, but it happens!

I'm looking into yoga in my area. As inexpensive as most things are in SC, gym membership is ridiculously expensive. Yoga classes are $10 a class and no one offers a discounted rate. I am trying to organize a group at our clubhouse where we bring our own DVDs, and work out together once a week. I'll post if it works. There is tons of interest, so I'm optimistic!

What was your favorite workout this week?
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. Oooh, I love the idea of gathering a group for your own yoga session. I wonder why classes are so pricey down there with no specials. You would think that they'd want to get people in the door, especially in the early months of the year.

    1. gyms are super popular here, there are so many boot camp places and yoga places, they can charge what they want because people will pay. I live in a suburb of Charlotte, so.that might be why

  2. I wish yoga in WA was $10 a class! That's a smoking deal for around here. 15-20 is the going rate. I always search Groupon. There are some pretty awesome deals there most of the time.
