Sunday, July 24, 2022

Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Tour

 Last night, I went to see Elton John with my daughter, SIL, and some of my daughter’s friends. We had nose bleed seats in Giant’s Stadium, and it was close to 100 degrees out, but it was an amazing night! If you have a chance to see Elton play before he retires, I highly suggest it!

There were a lot of blinking sunglasses in the crowd, plus cell phone flashlights were lit during Your Song and Candle In the Wind.

This was during Cold Heart with Dua Lipa. 

Candle In the Wind always makes me emotional.

This was outfit 2 of 3. His final outfit was a Boxer’s robe, and he walked out in a baseball jacket. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

Fiction Friday

 I am currently reading a TON of books. At least, that’s  how it feels right now. I’m traveling, and my tote bag is half clothes, half books. And it’s HEAVY.

I am wary of traveling by air, mostly because I hate to relinquish control of my life. I’m definitely  the first to admit it. I like to be the one driving, and when I’m at Disney, i prefer a Jazzy over a wheelchair (stupid osteoarthritis). 

I’m currently taking part in 5 different buddy reads, plus I have a handful of books I was given in exchange for a review. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but I love to read, so that feeling rarely lasts long. 

Here’s a little peek into my reading life right now…

This one looks interesting. I’ve read the introduction so far, and I’m totally here for it. As a yoga teacher obsessed with books about witchcraft, this is perfection. 

Here are just some of the books taking up half of my tote bag for this trip. 

I’m starting this one on the plane. I think. I adore Elizabeth Pantley, and this one will be a quick read. If o don’t start it on the plane to Jersey, I will start it on the way back.

Back in December I posted a blank chart and asked my friends to recommend books for me to read during the year. So far I only DNFd one, and it was about running. I just couldn’t vibe with the author. 

I am leading the discussion for Longbourn on Litsy. It’s a peek at the downstairs crew during Pride and Prejudice. I’m really loving the look at the Bennet family from the maid’s perspective. 

I am also leading the Stephen King group on Litsy. We are reading his books in order, and we are just starting Blaze. For this group, we read at our own pace and discuss it after a month has gone by. I read all of these books as they came out, and reading them again as more of an adult is interesting. My viewpoint is so different now, and my opinions definitely vary. 

I stocked up on cozy mysteries the other day. Now I have about 40 sitting on my shelves waiting to be read. True story.

This was one of the books suggested to me by a friend and the one I’m currently reading in the airport. It’s definitely sucking me in. Very mysterious. 

The Fellow Flowers crew is reading this together. I can’t make most of the Zoom calls, but I’m reading along anyway. This is so relevant for me right now, and I’m curious to see what I should be doing strength wise. 

What are you reading right now?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Travel Thursday, Zootastic Park

Last month, the hubs and I headed to Troutman, NC to spend the day at Zootastic Park. Don’t sleep on this cute little zoo, y’all, it was so much fun! When you enter, you’re given carrot sticks for the giraffes and feed for the farm animals. The hubs had so much fun feeding all of the animals, he was like a little kid. 
This is basically a huge photo dump, with pics from the zoo and also the safari. The safari was amazing, so many animals came up to the car, it was so much fun.

There are two babies in this pic!

They were all piled up on each other, so sweet!

These little guys loved being petted.

Um. We are totally coming back at Christmas to see this place lit up!