Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Achievement Board Update

I am so glad to finally have something to write about. I am in no way qualified to write about Corona Virus things so I have basically been avoiding my blog! Ugh!
Today is the last day of March, however, and it’s time for a 3 month update on my Achievement
board. I have managed to color in a few squares so let’s talk about them.

3500 Insta followers. I’ve been working on this for awhile, and a did a happy dance when I reached this goal. Next stop, 3750!

4000 Twitter followers. I swear to you that I reached that goal, but I think I was the victim of a few fishers. They follow you, and then after you follow them back, they unfollow you. Whatever! Peace out, crazy peeps! I will hit 4000 again soon and then reach  for 4250! 

Two goals that I have no pics for are from Aaptiv. I reached a 50 day workout streak and also 25 gold stars! I delete the app, because I am not allowed to workout right now and I don’t like paying for things that I cannot use! 

I am halfway to my 75 book goal! I will talk more about this, probably on Friday, where I will talk about all of my reading goals and how much progress I have made.

How are your goals coming along?