Monday, October 29, 2012

Yoga and Hurricane Sandy

The power is starting to blink off and on so I thought I would try to post one last blog before we lose internet!
Let me just interject here, to say that, no sooner had I typed that sentence, that the power blinked again and I am currently without internet! It will come back, though, which is great, hopefully I will post it fast enough before it blinks again!
When we woke this morning and still had power, I decided to hurry and get some yoga in! Since Sandy is heading right for us, our chance at losing power is pretty good! I pulled out Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga and rocked out an hour of yoga with weights.
Can you see the rain on the window? It is crazy windy out now, our big tree in the front yard dropped a HUGE branch into the street, so hubby had to drag it in.
After yoga, my daughter and I played Just Dance 3 for an hour, so I definitely got a good workout in! They are starting to evacuate our area, but we have chosen to stay. We are not in a flood zone, and we are worried about looters coming in after everyone leaves, so we are staying here for now.
Good luck to everyone effected by Sandy, and stay safe!
I am going to publish this quickly, before the power blinks again!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Running with Sandy

Hurricane Sandy that is!
Today I needed to run to make up a run that I missed on Tuesday. I live at the Jersey Shore, and Sandy is looming, so I wanted to get one last run in before the storm hits!
I woke up and checked the sky for run......none yet, and the wind wasn't bad either. Woot! I got dressed and headed out for my run!
Not looking good, but not bad either! I chose my favorite "close to home" run, an out and back that is 2 miles if I do it straight, but I can veer off to a park and add some extra mileage. I started out towards the bay and it was pretty easy, not too windy, until I turned North. That was where the wind was! Luckily, I only had to run one block before turning East again, towards the bay.
The bay was mile one, and I stopped to take pics while i stretched my shin, which still aches!

Not too bad yet, a few white caps, but not bad. By the end of this storm, that beach will be gone. My son kayaked on the sand last year during Irene, and in the street as well. I hope the new tennis court fares well! It is so beautiful and I haven't had a chance to use it yet!
I ran around the loop at the end of the road, and started back. I turned right, into the wind for another block and then turned again to head to the park. I stopped again to stretch my shin and walked a bit, the ache is pretty bad and it wasn't going away. I stopped to take another pic at the 2 mile mark:

Too funny! Great mile marker! I headed into the park and ran two laps. I needed to do over 3.5 miles to make my SparkPeople Running Group goal of 60 miles for the month of October. I thought I needed 3.6, so I planned my route home with that number in mind, runing down some dead end side streets.
I go home and stretched, and then took down the cemetary in the front yard so nothing would blow away during the storm.
I came inside to record my distance, only to find that I am .1 miles short! ACK! Oh well, maybe Wednesday the storm will have quieted down enough for me to run a couple miles! We are off of school (which is where I work) for the next 2 days for sure, possible Wednesday. Here's hoping the power stays on!

Are you dealing with Sandy this week?

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Monster Dash 5K

Last year at this time, a Tropical Storm hit Point Beach the day of the Monster Dash. I ran 2.something miles in wind, sleet, rain, and blowing sand. It was not fun, but I finished the shortened course.
When I heard that Sandy was heading right for us, I was afraid of a re-run of last year's race. Not so! The weather was amazing, and my hubs, some of our friends from his office, and some of my friends from town all got together before hand for some photo ops:

The race started on the boardwalk, and the first few minutes were kinda packed-like-sardines-ish, but once we hit the street everyone spread out, and we could actually run. We should have moved up to the front, but I don't think we lost much time. The hubs, who never ever runs, stayed ahead of me the whole time. Frustrating, lol, but kinda cool, too. His company paid his race fee, which was very cool.  After the first mile, my shin started to ache, and by the second mile, it full on hurt. I did manage to finish in just over 31 minutes, which is pretty cool considering it hasn't even been a week since my Half Marathon.
Hubs finished just ahead of me, and is Stepdad finished 2 minutes ahead of us,
We even knew some winners! My friend Tammy's daughter, who is only in seventh grade, finished 3rd woman overall! She finished in 22 minutes! Amazing! My friend Melissa won our age group, although I don't know what her time was.
I did win a door prize, which never happens!
Cool, huh?
Here is a pic of me wearing my Zombie dash medal after the race:
Sorry it's sideways, lol!
I got a lot of compliments on my costume! There were alot of very cool costumes: Buffy the Elf, a woman ran in her wedding dress, a sexy 70s cop, Things 1 thru 10, to name a few. Lots of super heroes as well.

Did you run a Halloween race this weekend? Is Sandy heading your way?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Foto Friday

Flat Mama for tomorrow's race, the Monster Dash:

Medals and sticker I earned for the Boo! Virtual Half Marathon and 5K

Coozie, Tee, and Medal I earned for the Virtual Race: Run for the Little Flowers

Medeal and prizes I will earn when I run the Pretty in Pink 5K Virtual Race

Medal and tee I will earn this weekend when I run the Zombie Dash Virtual 5K
Want to earn some of these amazing medals and support worthy charities at the same time? Check them out at Virtual Runs! on Facebook!
My current Virtual Race is advertised there, or you can click here.
Pics of the Monster Dash will be up over the weekend!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Live Pink!

For those of you who have been with me form the start, it is no surprise that I am a huge fundraiser for Susan G Komen. I ran the Rock n Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon as a fundraiser and raised over $2300 for Komen. I have done the 3 Day for the Cure (2010, I raised over $3000) and raised money last year  but couldn't walk (I raised $5000 last year).
I have made an other commitment to run Rock n Roll USA in Washington DC in March, once again to fundraise for Komen. I will host a virtual race and a BINGO night to raise the money.
Breast Cancer is a huge force in our daily lives. Everyone can say that they know someone who fought, is fighting, or lost the battle. The year that I did the 3 Day I knew 2 women who fought and lost. I know women who are still fighting today.
I run for those who can't. I run for those who might not be able to run in the future. I run so that someday there is a cure.
I am thrilled to find that FitApproach has teamed with Self Magazine to bring awareness. One of my favorite things about their Ambassador program is that they use the color Pink. Half of my wardrobe is pink, even my GIANTS caps are pink, in support of Breast Cancer Research.
What are you doing this month to show support?

I couldn't resist adding my current Facebook Cover photo!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hershey Half Marathon

Our day started Saturday with a long ride to Hershey, Pennsylvania. By the time we dropped the dogs at the kennel and drove to Hershey, almost 4 hours had been spent in the car!
We went right to the expo, which was pretty small, and got my bib, tech tee, and other goodies. I got a new SpiBelt: waterproof, GU belts, and the extra little noogies that you use to attach your bib. (noogies is an industry term, lol, I use it for any small object!)
We also stopped at BondiBands to get a couple for a giveaway on my facebook page. (See the previous post!) Of course, I had to get one for me and one for my daughter! They had a deal, 4 for $25, so it was no hardship lol. I got a yellow one that says "In it for the Bling" in sparkly silver.

Next stop: Chocolate World. You can't visit Hershey and not take the tour, right?
The tour was very cute! You get into a little car, and it takes you through the "factory" to see how chocolate is made. They have some very feisty singing cows, and the bear was at the entrance to the tour, in a S'mores display:

I was in heaven! After the tour, you walk down a ramp to, of course, the chocolate gift shop. They hand you little samples of Hershey Drops as you go down the ramp. We shopped til we dropped and then headed over to the Amusement Park. Part of my goodie bag was 2 free tickets, so we dropped the teenies off and left to check out the hotel.

We stayed in nearby Harrisburg, and by the time we got there, got gas, and checked out the suite, the kids were done and wanted to leave. Back we went to pick them up, and back to the hotel. Luckily there was a Ruby Tuesday's right next door, so the hubs and I walked over for a nice quiet dinner. Back to the hotel again, and we watched the Lost Boys and went to bed early.
I *never* sleep well the night before I race, and this was no exception. I slept like a rock from 9:30ish until about midnight, and then I was up every 30-45 minutes until the alarm went off at 5:45.
The hubs and I got up and dressed and out the door by 6:15. The kids stayed behind and slept. Lazy bums, lol. Luckily, the hotel had some breakfast items out early and Jon got coffee and a banana before we left. I had a trail mix granola bar that I only ate half of, and some iced tea. I met up with the Lancaster Chapter of Moms Run This Town and we took a group photo.

It was still pretty dark at 6:45! If you want to join an awesome group of ladies, check out the website! They have over 300 chapters nationwide, and abroad! WOW!
After our photo op, I made a last minute bathroom stop and made it to my corral just on time! What I loved about the corrals at the Hershey Half was that you chose where to start. They had signs up with pace times on them and you chose the one that you belonged in. I lined up behind all of the 10 minute milers, and waited for the start. They had an adorably feisty 7-9 year old boy from the Children's Miracle Network start the race. That kid must have screamed GoGoGo for 10 straight minutes! I crossed the start after only 3.5 minutes and was off! I am glad I picked the 10 minute group, there were still a few walkers in front of me, but not too much dodging going on!

It was chilly and I actually wore my long sleeved MRTT shirt instead of my Sweat Pink tank. We ran around the arena and out into the parking lot entrance/exit road. We looped around the parking lot and then turned back towards the park. I finally warmed up at mile 2!
Mile 2.3 was the Miracle Mile. There were kids from the Children's Miracle Network lined up and cheering, and they had pictures and signs lining the road. I probably cried for half a mile. It was truly amazing!
After we rounded the bend towards the park, I saw my hubby. At first he didn't see me among all of the other racers, but he finally looked up and managed to get a good pic.
Mile 3 brought us into the park for the Chocolate Mile. We turned a bunch of corners and even ran on some "boardwalk", and after a mile we exited the park and were running through the town of Hershey. Pennsylvania in the Fall is gorgeous, and I was loving the scenery. We passed an enclosure with what looked like Santa's reindeer, and then we turned down another street and saw a church that had some signs that said
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31
We ran through some town areas, some residential areas, and then we crossed some wet, scary grass and entered a Golf Course Community. Lots of beautiful houses with long windy driveways.
Now would be a good time to mention the hills. Pennsylvania is very mountainous. The Jersey Shore is not. By mile 3 my butt muscles were *screaming*. By now, I am at mile 7ish and am amazed that my butt stayed with me all this time! The hills were crazy in this community! There were lots of High School kids all slapping hands, and cheering and yelling, lots of crazy support!
I check my watch every mile, and I was amazed that at this point I was still doing well. I went into this race just wanting to finish. It was #3 of 3 Halfs I was doing to get my Half Fanatic Status. In order to join, you need to run 3 Halfs in 90 days. I did it in 36. This was just to be the final race, nothing major, no worries about a PR (personal record).
By the time I left the Community it was mile 10. And I was on track for a PR. I was amazed. Hills and I don't get along, and this was so not something I even dreamed of!
The course wound through town again, and back towards Hershey Park, coming in from the back now. Mile 11.5 was the Chocolate Stop and I was looking forward to my mini Hershey Bar. Instead, they were giving out Reese's Fast Breaks. I took my candy from a giant candy bar, lol, and ran on. Over a little bridge and back onto Hershey property. There was a water stop, but I was afraid to stop for fear of not being able to start running again.
And then there was the hill.
Mile 12, so tired, still on track for a PR.
Until the hill.
I had to walk, it was just too steep and I was so tired!
At the top of the hill we turned back into the parking lot, and towards the arena. That was one long stretch of nothing, let me tell you!
I was kinda bummed at this point and let me tell you why. My parents live in Pennsylvania, and they drove in to see me run. I expected to see them out in the town somewhere but here I was, back in the park, and no Mom n Dad.
I run through the promenade type area, where the trams normally run, and see the hubs.

Pretty scenery, right? I had also just checked my watch and realized that I was still on track for a PR. Still no parents, but just as I turn the last corner towards the arena, there they are! My dad was fiddling with his camera, so I started yelling out to him. My mom got a great pic of me as I went by. My dad got a pic of my body and....his thumb! lol
Just after I passed them I hit 13.1 in 2:25:41 which is about 1.5 minutes faster than my best time. When I race, I always consider my gps to be "my time". This race was just over 13.3 miles. After I hit 13.1 I stopped to walk a bit, and just as I entered the arena, I started running again. My chip time for 13.3 was 2:30. I got my medal and just as i started to walk towards the food, I heard my dad. I went over to slap him 5 and then we set up a meeting place. Our food came in a cute re-useable lunch box and had an apple, pretzels, candy, HUGE cookie, and granola bar inside.
I managed to escape the arena and met up with my parents. It took us a few minutes to find the hubs. He had looked down to adjust the camera and must have just missed me as I went by! He didn't even know that I had finished! One last photo op before I limped back to the car!
LOVE it!
While we were waiting for Jon, I got an email and a text from Hershey congratulating me on finishing, and included my chip time. So cool!
We had lunch at the Olive Garden with my parents and then headed back home.
As if this day couldn't get any better, I emailed the Half Fanatics just before I took my shower, and just got my final confirmation. I am proud to say that I am Half Fanatic #3034. That's right, there are over 3000 other people as insane, or more insane, than I am! Woot!
I have probably forgotten a ton of things i wanted to say, lol, but I think I got the most of it down! I have a few small races coming up, and some wicked long runs in preparation for the Disney Marathon!
One final picture....

Did you race this weekend?


100th Post Winners

Tomorrow I will be posting my Race Recap for the Hershey Half Marathon, but for now, let's check out the 2 winners of my 100th post Giveaway! I used Rafflecopter to choose the winners:

Michele O
Christine L

Both of these lovely ladies have been notified via email!

If you don't already follow me on facebook, consider "like"ing my page here. I just gave away a BondiBand when my page hit 50 likes and I have another to give away when I hit 100! I picked them up at the Hershey Half expo and they have cute paw prints on them! I posted a pic on my facebook page!

Happy Sunday!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Flat Mama Friday

What is a Flat Mama, you ask? It is when you lay out your clothes for your weekend race and take a pic! Here is my Flat Mama for Sunday's Hershey Half!

Look out for my next product review....  Premier Protein sent me a box of goodies to try out, and I will be blogging about it in the next week or two!

I will blog about the Hershey Half on Monday!! My 3rd of 3 Fall Halfs in the quest for Half Fanatic Status!
 Have a great weekend!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Unreal Candy Review

I have always wanted to do product reviews, and have picked a few categories that I would like to test. One of those was healthier candy, since I am a huge chocoholic! I had been hearing about Unreal Candy while reading some running/exercise/health blogs and wanted to try it out!
First I checked their website, and looked up where to find it locally. Target was on the list so I stopped in and looked, but couldn't find any! Bummer! I contacted the company in the meantime, hoping they had some samples or some coupons. Rachael emailed me right back with some info and a promise of coupons. Hooray!
I read the info in preparation and was excited to see

  • No corn syrup
  • No hydrogenated oil
  • No artificial flavors
  • No GMO’s
  • No synthetic colors
  • Responsibly sourced ingredients, including:
    • Traceable cacao beans from Ghana and Ecuador
    • 100% sustainable and organic Palm Kernel Oil sourced from a sustainable and organic plantation in Brazil
    • Dairy from free-range cows pasture raised without antibiotics or added hormones
    • All natural origin colors, coming from plants like beets, red cabbage, etc.
    • 30% less sugar, 60% more protein and 250% more fiber per serving on average compared to the leading competing brands
WOW! I am loving this! Only 2 days after hearing from Rachael, a box arrived from FedEx. I couldn't imagine what it could be! Much to my surprise and delight, Rachael had sent me a box of chocolates!

The teenies were very excited! They couldn't wait to help me taste test the candy, and what better critics are there? Teenagers are the pickiest people I know! There were 5 varieties, with 2 of each variety in the box!

We started off with the Peanut Butter Cups. The first we thing we noticed when we opened them was how chocolately it smelled, like that famous name brand PB Cups. YUM! My daughter said "These are actually better!" We had split the package, and immediately opened the second one so that we could eat more!
The next night, we tried the Chocolate Caramel Peanut Nougat Bar. It smelled just like a Snick.....well, you know! That night, there were 4 of us trying it out, so we each got a bite. Even the hubs wanted in on this after he heard how good they were! He can be worse than the kids, especially when it comes to healthy foods. After I assured him that this was not diet candy, just more natural candy, he was all over it! My son took the second bar and bolted from the room so that he could eat it alone!
The picture of these was eaten by my daughter's ipod. Apparantly, the ipod was jealous of the taste test, and wanted in!
The next night we tried the Candy Coated Chocolate. These are in very pretty Fall-like colors, and taste just like those initial candies. I was skeptical about these, I love those initial candies, and we visit their store in NYC whenever we go. These were divine, one of my faves. There was a slight aftertaste, I think from the shell coloring, but it was not unpleasant, and I scarfed down the whole bag. My daughter stole the other bag and ate them pretty quickly as well!
The next night we tried the Candy Coated Peanut Chocolates. These are also a fave of mine, especially after i read in a magazine that they were one of the better candies for you, because the peanuts are a good fat, and most of the candy is really peanut. I sometimes get these initial candies in the yellow bag when I go to the store to eat in the car on the way home. The Unreal version was fabulous! We really enjoyed them, and these did not have the aftertaste that the plain ones had.
Tonight we tasted the final candy, the Chocolate Caramel Nougat Bar. There was only one in the box, because my son absconded with the other one at some point over the weekend! Little sneak! My daughter and I tasted the remaining bar, which is similar to that Heavenly Candy Bar. It was also very delicious and chocolatey. We are huge fans of caramel here, so you can never go wrong when it is involved!

I have to say, I cannot wait until I can find these in stores! I love that the ingredients are so natural, instead of all the chemicals you find in other candies! They have the same amount of calories that you will find in regular candies, but are a much better alternative! I highly recommend them if you are a chocoholic!
I will close with a little blurb about the founders, but want to be sure everyone knows that I was not paid for this review. The candy was sent to me free of charge, but with no expectations as to how I would like the candies! I simply promised to write an honest review on my blog.

Nicky Bronner, a kid determined to prove he could unjunk candy, and Adam Melonas, an innovative chef, have collaboratively brought an UNREAL™ idea to life.  UNREAL™ products are made with wholesome ingredients, with more fiber and more protein.  The dairy comes from free-range, pasture-raised cows without antibiotics or added hormones.  The palm kernel oil hails from a sustainable, organic farm in Brazil.  The cacao beans are actually traceable, sourced from farms in Ghana and Ecuador that do not employ child slave labor. UNREAL™ takes the extra step in developing their candies because it’s the right thing to do for people and the planet.  With a simple idea brilliantly executed, UNREAL™ Brands has become a magnet for creative professionals. One from Google.  An interior decorator.  A P&G’er.  A guitarist from Glaceau.  A dog named Lola.  In short, an eclectic mix you’d never find in any other company in the world.  But it works.  Why?  Because they’re drawn together by a common mission.  To challenge what we’ve come to accept in our food.  To change the way junk food is made.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

100th Post Giveaway!

After 9 months of posting, I have hit my 100th post! I am so excited! Whenever a TV series hits their 100th episode they do something special, and I don't want to be left out!
I will be doing my very first giveaway! I have two very lovely Ford Warrior scarves to give away!

These were donated by Ford at the Race for the Cure I attended two weeks ago. I love my Ford Warrior scarves, I am growing quite a collection!
You can enter to win for one week, good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Interlaken 5K Run

This weekend was supposed to be race free! I am running the Hershey Half next weekend, and thought I would just take it easy. I would run an easy 4 miles and then help the Hubs finish ripping out our creaky back deck. Interesting how plans change!
My frequent race partner Cheryl Facebooked me this morning and asked me to come run the Interlaken 5K. It didn't start until 11:00 which was awesome, and, well, why not? I said I would meet her, dithered about for awhile, and then went off to meet her there.
I got there about 30 minutes before race time, picked up my bib and tech shirt (which is soooo pretty) and waited for Cheryl to arrive. About 15 minutes before race time she called. Lost. Yikes! I handed my phone to an awesome motorcycle Cop and he directed her to the race. Yay! While I waited, I fawned over a cute Cardigan Corgi.

Not the best pic, but we just love Cardigans, especially since we have one!! Most Corgis have no tail, they are called Pembrokes, but we believe dogs should have a tail to wag! What else did I just love about the dog above? He was a guide dog! He walked the whole 5K with his human! How cute is that? Here is a pic of our Cardi, Memphis:

Isn't he handsome?
Anyway, back to the race! Cheryl showed up with about 3 minutes to spare, lol, but she didn't get a shirt. They had run out. She did get a $5 discount, which was cool! The gun went off, and Cheryl and I separated, She always beats me, so I expected it, lol. It was about 50* and cold in the shade, which there was lots of!
I hit mile 1 at about 9:00 which shocked me! Suddenly this was no longer an easy 5K, I was gonna PR, I just knew it! My best time was 31:04 last weekend, and that was a 10:00 mile average. Could I keep this pace up? Mile 2, I hit 19 minutes. Holy heck! I was doing it!! It felt so easy, the hills weren't bad, and the houses in Interlaken are gorgeous, and very stately. I was totally enjoying myself! I stopped checking my watch and ran as fast as I could.
As I rounded the last corner and removed my buds, I heard the timekeeper saying, "Keep it up, you are under 30". Under 30? HOLY HECK! I was hoping to hit the 30 mark, but never in my dreams did I imagine I would surpass it! I finished in 29:45, exactly one minute behind Cheryl! There was much hugging and laughing and then we posed for a victory pic:

Isn't the shirt pretty? I wish it was cotton so that I could add it to my quilt, but I love it, so I will train in it, lol.
I am so glad that Cheryl asked me to go to this race!
I used this as my Cupcake Classic Race, and posed for a pic before putting on my warmer weather clothes:
It is not too late to join the Cupcake fun! Check it out here at Run With Jess! The shirt is super comfy and SO cute! That heart on the shirt is a Pic Stitch sticker I forgot to remove, it is not part of the shirt!

After the race I took my teenie out to lunch and we had some great healty food at Fins, a local TexMex restaurant. Look how delish:

What is your favorite healthy restaurant lunch?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fitness Friday Link Up

It's Fitness Friday at, a fellow SPA and Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador!
This week I had 2 short runs. My first was a quick 3 miler, around my neighborhood, between raindrops. Last night I went to the Belmar Boardwalk and ran to Spring Lake and back with my fellow JSRC members. Well, most of them and ran out and back and left before we even finished the first half, lol. 4 of us stayed together though, which was nice because it gets very dark, very fast! We ran 8 miles, 2 more than I planned, and 4 more than was scheduled! LOVE those club members who push me! I averaged an 11:06 mile, just a smidgen faster than my Half average on Sunday.
I completed the Fall Foliage 100K last week, and I am working towards a second 100K. The challenge was to finish 100K during the months of September and October.
I love the prizes that came with the medal, what an amazing event, and it benefits Autism, which is just fabulous! Absolutely hands down one og my Top 5 favorite charities to support!
Coming soon I will be having 2 new features at Barking Mad. The first is a review! Woohoo! I have always wanted to do one, and the folks at Unreal Candy sent me a whole box of their chocolate candies to sample and review! My kids helped me, and once we have sampled all 5 varieties I will post about them!

I will also be posting my 100th post very soon, and will be doing my first giveaway. Just have to decide what to giveaway! I have 2 Ford Pink Warrior scarves that are just begging to be given away! Hmmmmmm

One week until my Half Marathon in

Where is your next big race?


Monday, October 8, 2012

NYRR Staten Island Half Marathon

Yesterday was the Staten Island Half Marathon, a race I looked forward to for a few months, and the second of three I entered to earn my Half Fanatic status! I was going into this race intending to finish, and not really concerned about finising well. I plan to train for next year's Halfs with the intention of PRing. I did get two good nights' sleep on Thursday and Friday because I knew how Saturday night would go: badly! I was correct! Up every couple hours checking the clock! I had to get up ay 5:15 to drive in on time, and I was worried that I would sleep late! I took an immodium the night before because I read about a way to curb runner's tummy. I also planned to take two the next morning, and bring the bottle with me. I was ready!
Sunday morning, I jumped up with the alarm, got dressed, took my immodium, grabbed all of my race stuff and headed for the car. I threw everything on the seat and started the car. And saw this:

It means low tire. We just put new tires on the Jeep and last week the same tire was low and hubby had to refill it. Now it was 10 pounds low again. I am not ashamed to admit: I cried like a baby. My husband used the word sobbing. I told him what happened and he jumped right out of bed, it was now 5:30, and ran out to change the tire. My 13 year old son, who also got woken up by my crying, came out into the cold, no shirt or shoes, and hugged me. He said "I don't know why you are sad, but I'm sorry" and turned around and went right back to bed.
Super hubby changed my tire super quick and I was back on the road by 5:45, only 15 minutes late.

The drive into Staten Island was very easy! There were very few cars on the road, I had my gps Rory (named by my daughter, who gave him an Engish accent) and there were very few turns. By 7:00 I was there, and only got "lost" for about 10  minutes while trying to find the parking lot. I parked, stepped out into the frigid 50* damp air, and was glad that I wore long sleeves and long capris! Brrrrrr! I grabbed my bib and my tee and went back to my warm car to finish getting ready! I still had an hour to go!

After I stalled for about 30 minutes, I went out to get into my corral, the very last corral! The view from behind the stadium was amazing! (Staten Island Yankees Stadium)

I lined up, and waited for my corral to start moving. They started moving us right away, and the DJs were talking to some FDNY officers who came in their dress blues. Next thing you know, the FDNY boats out on the bay started saluting us! The louder we cheered, the higher the water went. It was gorgeous!

See those clouds? Wonder when they will roll in? Stay tuned.....

Nine minutes after the gun went off, we crossed the starting line. Not too bad, I usually have to wait longer, lol. We ran out of the stadium area and towards town....uphill. UGH! This won't end well! We ran past the stadium and there were lots of people cheering, I love when people cheer, esp since my family wasn't with me yesterday. I was all alone, so I could use all the cheering I could get!
At the first few mile markers I kept checking my watch, amazed at my times! I was convinced the watch was wrong, because I didn't feel like I was running hard, but my times were always in the 10s and 11s per mile. I am a 12:00 mile girl! I was worried that I would poop out, but since I wasn't worried about my time, I decided not to worry about pooping out! At mile 4 we left town and were heading towards a Fort and the Bay. We had just passed the Verrazanno and it was a beautiful sight! We also got our first glance at the lead runners runner. At our mile 4.25 he was at about mile 10.5 and the second place runner seemed to be several minutes behind. The third place runner was also several minutes behind #2 and we saw a girl for the first time just after the fort, and she was probably #13 or so. I lost count! The first place finisher was done in 1:07! WOW!
We were now running along the water, and it was very quiet for the most part. Not as many spectators, although there was one man waving a *massive* American Flag that I just *loved*. I also realized that I was running past alot of people, but this one man stayed near me the whole time. He was wearing a camo fishing type hat, and just seemed to me that he was a soldier. I never got the chance to ask, though! He was so happy, waving to everyone, obviously a local, joking the whole time. We took turns passing each other for almost the whole race!
At the 10K mark I was stunned at my time. 1:08, 4 minutes faster than my best race time. I was near tears with joy, and yet also worried that I was running too hard, too soon. I wasn't feeling any pain yet, not tired really, just enjoying the run! At mile 7ish we turned back. We had an amazing view for the next several miles:

The leaves on Staten Island are starting to change as well, which made it especially beautiful! Jersey leaves are still green green green. See how dark it is though? Not good.
Mile 10 brought us back to the town. Lots of cheering spectators, and no true soreness yet. I stopped for water and checked my watched and giggled. It must have been a creepy giggle, lol, because a lady next to me looked at me kind of funny. I was easily 10 minutes ahead of my best time! 10 minutes! I was trying not ot get too excited. Mile 10 was where it all fell apart for me in Philadelphia. I was feeling amazing though, and still trading leader position with my camo friend.
Mile 11 brough us back to the boring scenery that leads to the Stadium. The bay was to our right, but to our left was some construction site....boring!
Mile 11 was also when the rain started. Just dripping, really, so I ignored and ran on! This was also the last time I saw camo guy. I was bummed, I wanted to get a finish line pic with him, but I didn't see him again!
At mile 12 we passed the entrance to the construction site, and one of the men was waving 2 flags and cheering us on! One mile to go! One mile to go! I checked my watch and almost lost it! Still so far ahead of my best time! I tried to speed up but I was definitely tiring now, and the next bit was up hill! We were passing through town, and approaching the stadium. Finishers were walking past us in the other direction, cheering us on. Down the ramp we went, nearing the stadium. The crowds were yelling, You're almost there, keep going. I was crying, I'm crying now as I type this. Just before the last turn, my watch hot 13.1 and I stopped it. I was afraid to look at it, so I just kept going. The clock, being 9 minutes ahead, said something like 2:37 and now I am sobbing. I did it! I PRd. I collected my medal,

amd some food and streatched my aching muscles. Still crazy afraid to look at my actual time! I found someone I recognized from the last few miles and asked her to take my picture. Her hubby did it for me:

Not super flattering but I don't care! I finished! And I PRd. Oh, and the rain? The rain didn't fully start until I got to my car! YAY!

Ready for my times?
Official time: 2:28.12
My watch time: 2:27.08
My Philadelphia time: 2:39.47
My NJ Half time: 2:35.15
I beat Philly by 12 minutes and NJ by 8. I had an 8 minute PR! I am amazed and so proud!

Hershey Half is in 2 weeks, and this one should be even hillier than Staten Island was. My family will be at this one with me, hooray! but again, I am not planning to do anything but finish! I cannot wait for the chocolate stop! Hershey will also be the final of my 3 Halfs in the quest for Half Fanatic Status! Woot!