Sunday, April 30, 2017

#RnRNashville Recap with @BibRave

I received an entry into RnR Nashville as a BibRave Pro for the purposes of this review. Check out to learn about being a BibRave Pro or to write and read race reviews.

The hubs and I went to bed nice and early Friday night so that we could drag our butts out of bed at 5 to get to the start on time. We got almost all the way to the stadium before we hit traffic, but we still parked in plenty of time.
I paid in advance for parking, so we were parked pretty close to the little bridge we had to cross to get to the start line.

A church near the start line was letting runners use their bathrooms, and it was air conditioned, so I waited on a long line inside, which was nice. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed to my corral. Even that effort made me sweaty, which worried me.

The first few miles went well, there was lots of music, and I decided right up front to change my strategy. Originally I was going for a PR over last year, but once I learned about the heat advisory, I decided to walk every hill and run as much as possible in between. I also had my Dr Cool cloth from Disney and kept that wet and cool the whole time.

Lots of people were handing out ice, many had hoses, in addition to the race support which was excellent. There was always plenty of water to be had as well!

The first 6 miles were awesome, and I maintained a slow 15 minute mile throughout. It started to get hot, though, and I was walking more and more. By mile 8, I was seriously lagging.

They were handing out wet sponges but I didn't take one because I had my Cool cloth. At mile 10, a woman was sitting on a ledge on the side of road. She was pale and didn't look great so I gave her my Cool cloth and moved on.
At this point I knew my running portion was over. I walked the last 3 miles. Without my cloth it was just too hot and there was no reprieve from it.

I was ok with that. I saw quite a few people being taken from the course and learned later that at least 12 were taken out of the race for heat and dehydration sickness.

I finished in about 3:41, which I think is my slowest half ever. Even slower than my Disney races!
Thirty minutes after I finished they began removing people from the course because it was no longer safe for them to run. From what I understand, it was marathoners. The half marathon runners were all finished by this time, I think.

I got my medal, inhaled my chocolate milk, grabbed a bagel and water, and trudged to my gloriously close parking spot.
Getting out of the area was a hot mess. The police had a lot of roads closed off. which made it tricky. After some frustration and possibly illegal turns, we got back to our hotel so I could shower and change.
I did end up with quite a headache and some nausea later in the day, and didn't eat dinner. We peobably shouldn't have played mini golf! I had some salty chips and lots of water instead, and read a book.

I feel amazing today, no hint of headache or fatigue, and my appetite is back!
Would I do this race again? I'm not sure. I've done it two years in a row, and the weather was bad both times. The race itself is perfection, but the weather I could do without! If they moved the date back to March, I would totally do it!

What's your favorite RnR race?
posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, April 29, 2017

#RnRNashville Expo with @BibRave

I was given an entry into RnR Nashville as a BibRave Pro for the purposes of a review. Check out to read and write race reviews!

We drove into Nashville on Friday morning. It's an easy drive, although it's about 7 hours long.

RnR expos have always been my favorite, there is so much to do there! The hubs dropped me off and went to park the car. I zipped through packet pick up and got my tee.

I walked around the expo, grabbed some fun reusable Solo Cups from Publix, and hit the quick line for my parking pass. Y'all, this was the best $15 I ever spent. More about that tomorrow.
I was waiting for a fellow MRTT leader to bring me a tank I ordered, and the hubs had arrived, so we decided to go through again.

I've never gone over to Toyota, but this year we own one so we went. When the hubs showed his key fob they gave us a reusable cell phone battery! Then they told us what other free stuff they had.....

Toyota rocks! Watching them make that headband took about 60 seconds and really made my whole day!

Afterwards we split, I had to get my tank from my fellow leader.... we saw this in the way out...

That can't be a good sign! Off to Music City to bar hop, listen to country music, and go shopping....

Where was your favorite expo?
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Friday, April 28, 2017

Flat Mama Friday #RnRNashville edition

Hopefully I don't melt! I hear that it's going to be very hot, so please excuse me. I must drink all the all day water today!
Are you racing this weekend?

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday Training Update

It's been an exhausting week, and I think I may have missed last week, but here goes!
Thursday I was at the parks in Disney. I started with the expo, and then hit the Animal Kingdom. Tons of walking!

Friday morning was the 5k, followed by a trip to the Magic Kingdom.

Saturday was the 10k and Hollywood Studios.

Are you sensing a trend yet? Sunday was the half marathon and then back to the Magic Kingdom with my friend Joy.

Monday I flew home and went to Girls on the Run.

Tuesday I was lazy.

My friend Jessica made that. I love it.

Wednesday was Girls on the Run again, our practice 5k!

Lots of running and nothing else! Next week I will return to 9 Round and yoga!

What was your favorite workout last week??

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

#RnRNashville Outfit Choices! Vote for your fave!

I am having a hard time deciding which Skirt Sports Happy Girl skirt to wear!

What's your favorite?
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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Dark Side 10K

Yikes, my feet ache.
Two down, the big one to go. I was up at 3 this morning to get on the bus by 3:30. There were plenty of busses, at least 5, because last year they didn't have enough. Fine by me!
I got to the start area and made a dash for BB8. I was NOT messing around this time. I was girl on a mission. And a long line!

So worth it though, he's so cute and I knew I wouldn't stop during the race, whether he was there or not!

After that I really only had enough time to pee and look for my corral. Today we were shown the original preview for Empire Strikes Back, it was fun to see the trailer as if it was a new movie just coming out.
We started way faster than yesterday. The corrals were let out in larger groups so it moved much faster.
My goal today was 14 minute miles and I pretty much nailed it. I think my average was 14:07, and I took a few extra walk breaks because it was humid.

The course brought us through Hollywood Studios and ended in EPCOT.

It was a fun course and I got to see a few friends who were spectating...

I was hoping to beat my previous 10k Disney race time of 1:55 and crushed it with a time of 1:27 so I'm pretty happy about that. Plus, I got a selfie with this guy just before the finish.

I loved every minute and can't wait to run again tomorrow, my 50th half marathon!

posted from Bloggeroid

Friday, April 21, 2017

Dark Side 5k and Flat Mama Friday

Holy heck, am I tired!
The alarm went off at 3:30, and I was on my way to the bus by 3:45.

I met up with some Disney running friends from Team Expedition Runners on the line for Jabba the Hut and stuck with them until it was time to hit the corrals. My Jabba pic hasn't come through yet, but here is Boba Fett...

I also ran into my friend Sylvia... she saw me as I walked away from BF...

After a preview of the next movie and a beautiful rendition of the National Anthem, the corrals started being released. I was in D so it took awhile!

The race went fast! So many things to see and do, and I had such a good time!

I didn't stop for any characters since the lines were so long! I promised myself I would walk most of it. My average mile was 13:07. Oooops.

I'm still waiting on more of the official photos, so I'll post those at a later date! Some came through, but not all. I did get some cute ones at MK afterwards....

And here is the Flat Mama for tomorrow's 10k...

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