Tuesday, February 28, 2017

March Goals

How is tomorrow March already?
I'm working on my March Goals, so here is a breakdown on what I've accomplished so far this year....
I raised $1400 for MDA. Holy heck y'all this was a huge surprise. It happened so quickly! My new goal is $2000 and I'm almost there already. I'm at $1800 right now.

I PRd my four mile distance. Another surprise. This happened in January so I may have mentioned it already.

I got a job as a paid running coach. This also happened in January! I'm loving my work with the PG Speed Demons. This season is almost over, but there will be a summer and Fall season as well.

Reach 500 days logged on MFP. Wow! Aiming for 750 next, which will take all year.

3000 Instagram followers. This took awhile. I set a new goal of 3250 but we will see if I reach it. If not, it's all good.

Things I'm struggling with:
a pull up. I'm not working on upper body strength at all. Fail.
Monthly challenges. Ugh. I need to pick one for March and stick with it. Maybe abs....
30 day yoga streak. I always seem to miss a day. Plus, long runs. Who wants yoga after that? I just want a couch.

Lose 5 pounds. I actually did. And then gained back a pound. Sooooo do I count it? ugh again.

Complete Core de Force. I love it. Once a week. This could take awhile.

I ran almost 69 miles in February, I would love to hit 75 in March.

I am on track for my 1000 deliberate miles and my 2000 fit bit miles, so I hope to keep that up.

I want to attend weekly Weight Watcher meetings and one Find your Me meeting.

I want to read two more books. I have all the time in the world but I seem to waste it binge watching NCIS. Wait. Gibbs. So not a total waste....

I think that's it for now. Have to made your goals for March yet? Do you make monthly goals?

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Weekend Wonders

I had a very active weekend, the very best kind there is. A ten mile group run on Saturday, exploration walk and a bike ride on Sunday. Pretty much a picture dump, I'm not gonna lie, but a beautiful one!

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Friday, February 24, 2017

Weight Watchers.... again...

Last week I joined Weight Watchers again. I have not been putting myself first and my body is paying the price. Even with my running and cross training (when I remember) I'm not losing weight. Luckily I'm not gaining either.
This morning I woke up feeling particularly bad about myself, and I knew that although my weight was down mid week, it was back up again today. I was going to blow off WW and do my errands instead.
After quite an internal struggle I decided to just suck it up and go. I would feel worse if I skipped it.
The scale shower maintenance which was fine with me, and I sat in that amazing meeting and laughed and cried with the other members and was glad that I went.
I will keep putting myself first. I can do this.

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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Thursday Training Update... #RnRNashville Edition

* I received entry into Rock n Roll Nashville as a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (Ambassador) and check out BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews. *

It's getting warmer in the south y'all and I'm loving every minute of it! Rock n Roll Nashville is right around the corner, and I'm working the hills here in SC so that I'm ready for it!

Thursday: 3 miles with my running group. My shins were super tight so I was glad that my group only wanted to do 3. They had a 10 mile race on Saturday and they were saving their legs.

Friday: rest day

Saturday: Long run with my training group. We had 8 miles planned and some of our route was on the course of that 10 mile race. It had some gnarly hills, but also some blessed flat areas as well. The group did amazing, their best time yet!

Sunday was another rest day.

Monday: 3 hilly miles at home, in the beautiful weather, plus a 2 mile hike with the pups.

Tuesday: Ladder workout with my running club, I ran pretty fast, trying to keep up with one of the other groups, since no one was there from mine.

Wednesday: Yoga and MMA Speed, plus some walking with the girls at Girls on the Run.

I'm really liking Yoga with Adriene! She is very chill and I've learned some new things!

Want to join me for RnR Nashville? Head over to www.runrocknroll.com and use the code BIBRAVE15 for $15 off!

What was your favorite workout this week? I think mine was the ladders. It was tough running that long without walking, but I felt pretty badass afterwards!

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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

I'm Gonna Tri.... Help!

I finally did it, I pulled the trigger and registered for a triathlon! Holy heck!

Some friends did this event last year and raved about it, so I decided to give it a tri! I am terrified.

Funny how I can run marathons, but getting in the water freaks me out. The good news is that this event is newbie friendly. The swim takes place in a pool and it's 250 yards, followed by a 9 mile ride and a 2 mile run.

So, these are my questions for you a

What kind of goggles are best? I am not going to be sticking my face in the water but I don't want my eyes getting all messed up either. I will need goggles to protect them!
Should I get a swim cap? Why do people wear swim caps?
I will be riding a basic bike, nothing fancy. Anything a newbie triathlete might want to consider?
I am getting my gear from www.skirtsports.com as soon as they come out. They will be having a triathlon outfit released soon. Once I know what it includes, I'll post again!

Training begins on June 26, although once our pool opens in May, I will start swimming. Suggestions on how to track laps?

This hopeless newbie thanks you all in advance for any suggestions!

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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Safety First with Aftershokz #sportztitanium Headphones

I received Aftershokz Sports Titanium headphones to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro ( ambassador) and check out www.BibRave.com to review, find, and write race reviews!

ok y'all, I'm not gonna lie, I was excited to try some new headphones but I was skeptical. They're headphones, how amazing can they be? Holy heck! Was I in for a treat.

I wanted to use them the very next day, but when I took them out to use them, I realized that they needed to be charged. I am so not that cool!

I had to wait for the light to turn blue, so I got out the directions (smart, huh?) and learned about just how cool these headphones really are.
These are bone conduction headphones, which means they sit outside of your ear, just in front actually, and they use bone conduction technology so that it sounds as if they are plugged right into your ears.
you can hear EVERYTHING that's going on around you. Everything. I never knew that so many dogs lived on my neighborhood. Holy heck!
They are also sweat proof, have over 12 hours of charge in them, and they stay where you put them, they don't jiggle or bounce.

They come in blue or black, and you'll never worry again about ear buds falling out, sore ears, cars or animals sneaking up on you....
Plus if you use this link, you get the awesome stainless steel water bottle for free!

I've been using these while coaching, and I can hear my tunes and have a complete conversation with my clients without having to ask them to repeat themselves! I'm hooked!

Aftershokz makes a variety of different headphones, though, so be sure to check them all out!

What is your favorite part about Sportz Titanium headphones?
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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Thursday Training Update, Maine Coast Half Week 3

I received entry into this race as a Bib Rave Pro. Check out BibRave.com to read and write race reviews!

it's cold here in the south, and for most of my early morning runs it has been in the 30s! Yikes! I hope it warms up soon, even the high 40s would be so much better than these frozen runs we've been doing!

Thursday: Coaching with the Speed Demons and it was hill repeats. Kind of funny, since it's hilly everywhere, but these were legit repeats, 2 hills every half mile, maybe more like a third of a mile!

Friday: rest day! The Boy and I spent over 2 hours cleaning the garage so the hubs could have a man cave. It was his birthday surprise!

Saturday: Long run with the Speed Demons, although it was a cut back week. 6.3 miles with these crazy people!

Sunday: I started feeling really sick on Saturday afternoon. I thought it was a cold but it might be allergies. Even now, I'm still soooooo tired by afternoon. I spent Sunday on the couch, and even missed out on Valentine's Dinner.

Monday: an almost 2 mile walk and Yoga with Adrienne.

Tuesday: Track workout with the Speed Demons. 3 miles done, but my shins felt so tight! ugh!

Wednesday was an errands day but I did squeeze in 10 minutes of yoga and switched out the holiday decorations, which involved a lot of trips up and down a ladder in the garage.

How was your workout week?

Discount code for www.mainecoast262.com

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Almost Wordless Wednesday #RnRNashville Edition

* I am receiving an entry into Rock n Roll Nashville as a BibRave Pro *

Last year, the hubs and I traveled to Nashville for the first time so that I could run the Half Marathon. Even with a storm delay it was an awesome race, so I look forward to going back this year to try and improve last year's time....

This year's bling....

Will I see you there?

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Zooma Run Love Challenge

As a Zooma Ambassador, I received free entry into the virtual race. As always, all opinions are my own.

For the second year, I participated in the Zooma Run Love Challenge, which is a virtual race put on by the wonderful ladies at the Zooma Rave Series.

After you register, you receive a training plan plus weekly emails to motivate you! You can choose to run a 5k or a 10k, so I chose the 10k. The swag arrived before "race day" which is great, because you can wear your medal as soon as you earn it!

The hoodie is so comfy, and Feetures are my socks of choice, so I was thrilled when I received a pair. How often do you get such great swag at a virtual race?

My last 3 long runs were all over 10k, so this was easy to earn!

Zooma has also just updated their site and added in this year's races! Check it out at Zoomarun.com and use my code when you register for your next race!

I was hoping to run Florida again this year, but it clashes with another race I'm running. I will be doing Texas 2018 though, maybe I'll see you there!

Have you ever run Zooma?

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Monday, February 13, 2017

2017 Goals.... Update

If you've been following my blog for the last few years, you know that I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I have always felt that they set us up for failure. Instead, I make lots of small goals for the whole year, and add or amend them along the way.

Redemption is my word for 2017. I felt that 2016 was more a year of survival. We moved to a new state, had to make new friends and adjust to a completely new way of life. New jobs, new struggles. NYC didn't go the way I'd hoped either.
I set some goals that were fitness, health, and lifestyle related. Once I reach those goals I color them in, and add a new one if necessary.
Goals I met so far:
3000 Instagram followers. I added a new goal to reach 3,250.
500 Days logged on My Fitness Pal. I added a new one to reach 750 days. This will take almost all year. I better not miss a day now!
Beat a 53:23 Four Miler. I beat this last weekend at the Big Game Four Miler. I will not amend this goal because I'm not aiming for speed right now. I set this goal before I started coaching, and I'm not optimistic that I'll be beating any of last year's race times any more.
Goals I had but didn't write down:
I will be adding this and coloring it in today. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't add it because I never imagined it would happen. What is it? Getting paid to coach runners!
I will also be adding a goal of doing yoga 30 days in a row.
The hubs and I were talking about how expensive yoga class is here, and he thinks I should get certified so I can offer inexpensive yoga classes. I'm still on the fence, but leaning hard!

Another long term challenge I have is part of a group I belong to. Challenge 2017 with Jenny Hadfield. It's a year long challenge to exercise 30 minutes a day. For each day that you fit in 30 minutes, you get a point towards a state....

Each state is worth a different amount of points. I am starting on the West Coast and working my way east, but some are starting with the smallest values and jumping around. In the end, it all adds up the same.

Do you have any goals this year, big or small?
posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Hands Free Running With Stunt Runner by Stunt Puppy

**** Disclaimer: I received the Stunt Runner by Stunt Puppy to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about being a Bb Rave Pro and check out BibRave.com to find and review races****
Use code BIBRAVE217 for 20% off until March 15th!

It's no secret that I run and hike. A lot. Now that we live on the Carolina Thread Trail, I hike a lot more. We like to bring the pups as often as possible, to keep them worn out and in good shape!

I love my little Nugget, and I walk and run with her as much as possible, but she has a few.... quirks....
She loves to run around you. I find myself wishing I was a contortionist, so I can keep everything straight, but she usually manages to twist around me at least once. Imagine that happening on a run! Yikes!

When the Stunt Runner first arrived, I was a little wary of the part that went around your waist. It seemed as if it should be tighter. I don't know why I thought that, to be honest. Our first trip out we went for a regular walk around the neighborhood, and then we ventured to the trails. This little booger can run all around me and I don't have to worry, because the Stunt Runner just goes with her. Perfection.
I haven't tried racing yet, but there will be none of that craziness where the dog seems to be getting away from its owner, and tripping up other runners. The Stunt Runner is the perfect length, it keeps your puppy right along side you, and is just the right length for even my little pup.

If you are on a walk, you have your hands free for a bottle of water and a phone, or a free hand to scoop some, well... you know...

Stunt Puppy also sells collars in solids and patterns, for every size dog, as well as harnesses. If you have a pup like mine, who is always pulling until she chokes, a harness is a must.

The quality is excellent and I look forward to being able to bring Nugget on more runs now. No more getting twisted up for this duo!

Do you run with your pup?
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