Friday, August 9, 2013

The Running Buddy

****I am a Brand Ambassador for the Running Buddy, however, I do not receive commission for your purchases. As always, all opinions are my own!****

I recently became a Brand Ambassador for the Running Buddy, and I thoroughly tested it out before I posted, to be sure it worked as promised!

The top left photo was my attempt to show what it holds, but the photo does not do it justice! It holds my iPhone, keys, plus cash or credit cards. It can also hold a couple Honey Stinger Waffles or Chews.
How does it work? Magnets! There is a flap the size of the Running Buddy that goes inside your shorts or skirt that has magnets on it. The magnets work along the bottom of the Running Buddy, keeping it perfectly in place. It does.not.budge.
My first run, I used it on the side. While it did not budge, I did not like it. Personally, it felt kinda wonky there, although that could just be me. The next time I ran, I used it on my stomach, and it was perfection. Never budges, never moves, never bounces. Heaven.
No more strap riding up my back or hips, no more bouncing around because I put too much stuff in it.
I even used it on my back to ride. Didn't budge!
If it only it came in pretty colors.....
They have just announced colors are coming soon! Woot!
OH and the inside pocket is water resistant, so bring on the rain!

They have just given us codes to share for 10% off PLUS free shipping! Woohoo!
Use this code at checkout, and be sure to tell them I sent you!
6SUYUBDPF1BW  (that is a one, not an L)

What is your favorite way to hold your gear?