Monday, August 12, 2013

Dopey Training, Week 6 plus a Kona Kase Review

This week was a lazy week for me! I had the duathlon coming up, so I just stuck to running! I did my challenges each day, which involved pushups, squats, planks, and core work, but that was about it!

Monday: My friend Cheryl asked me if I wanted to run, and even though it was not my usual day, I couldn't resist running with her! She is one of my favorite running buddies, because she really pushes me to increase my pace!

Dopey calendar, week 6 is covered in stars now!

Tuesday: squats, plank, pushups, and Cobra for the August Core Focus Challenge
Wednesday: Another great run with Cheryl, a little shorter this time, and a little slower, but still a great sweaty run! I couldn't resist taking a pic of my neighbor's flowers. He has the nicest flowers! I used my running buddy again, and it didn't budge! I am loving it!
 Thursday: squats, plank, core focus, and a finished crochet project for the Ewok hat!

date night was also Thursday night!
 Friday: squats, plank, pushups, and core. The hibs went to packet pickup for me, and also got cupcakes! Good thing I have been running a lot!

We walked to dinner, and had yummy Mexican food
 Saturday: Asbury Park 5K, lots of walking as well. No PR, but really close! Also did plank, push ups, and core work.
Sunday: duathlon, dog walk, and plank, as well as lots of other walking!

I am hoping to add in lots of activity this week, but we will have to see! Biggest Loser Erie is this weekend, and I don't want to be sore for that!
I was given the opportunity to review the July Kona Kase as a Sweat Pink Ambassador. I was provided with the Kona Kase free of charge in exchange for a review. As always, all opinions are my own!
My kids were probably just as excited as I was to receive a Kona Kase last month! The teenie was packing for a trip to a Leadership Conference, and the boy was hovering around, trying to get his hand in the box!

the boy gobbled these down. He really liked them, which says a lot because he is picky!

These are stashed away to try during an upcoming long run!

yummy! Just the right amount of sweet and yumminess!

I kept these in the car for a hunger emergency, and had them while I was out on the road. YUM!

we shared this, and decided it was perfect! I love craisins, and it was a great on-the-go snack!

I don't do gels, so I gave this to a friend! She loved it, and will be trying more as her runs get longer!

on yogurt. YUM!

the teenie and I each ate one of these yummy coconut cookies!  They were sweet, but not too sweet, and we really enjoyed them. I was kind of mad that she snagged one while she packed!

What is your favorite monthly goodie box?

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