Monday, August 19, 2013

Biggest Loser Erie Half Marathon...and my 2 year Runniversary Giveaway!

The night before the race, I had a Krispy Kreme Donut. Smart? Not so much!
I woke up on race morning with runner's stomach! Ugh! I haven't had this problem in so long, so I didn't bring anything with me! Smart? Not so much!
After a trip to the bathroom I dashed downstairs where the hubs was waiting in the car. After a quick 10 minute ride to the park we hit as traffic. It is basically one lane in, one lane out. My friend Adam texted and said the first lot was filling up, so we started planning the drop and meet situation. As we waited, I realized I needed another trip to the bathroom. Lovely. Luckily, there was a porta potty in one of the lots we passed by. Detour!
We finally made it to the first lot, plenty of time to go, and wondered if we would get in. We were waved past the lot and towards the race area, and figured we would be going to lot 2, about 1/2 mile up the road. Nope! My luck was changing, and we parked right at the race entry area!
I went to look for Adam, a fellow Half Fanatic. We have been Facebook friends forever, and finally would meet in person! I couldn't find him so I headed to the noise at the Start. Dan Evans was there.
Fangirl moment!
Runners were walking up and saying hi, so I did, too! OMG
He was so nice, and he told me that he could tell that it was not my first Half. He announced my name to everyone, and how many races I had done, and posed for pics. 

Shortly after, I found  Adam, who had heard Dan say my name and was wondering if it was me up there. We took some photos and then he went to meet Dan as well. They have met a few time before so it was more like a a reunion!
We also met up with another Fanatic, Tawni, and while we were waiting to start, Jackie Evans gave  us a shout out and kudos for being Fanatics.

There was a delay, so we chilled out, listened to some Biggest Loser banter, and then suddenly we were starting!
the hubs took this shot!
Former contestants Jackie, Pam, and Dan

We had lined up with the Elite runners to avoid walkers, so we started first. I kept up with them for about 2 minutes!

The course was beautiful, mostly flat, and filled with spectators! They had water at every mile. It was glorious.
I mentioned in my expo post that I haven't run more than 7 miles since May. I went into this race with no expectations.  I hoped for a finish time around 2:30, since that is my average finish time. My best time is 2:28. My dream goal is 2:25 but I am not optimistic.
I had some tightness left over from paddle boarding on Wednesday. At each mile, I waited for Runtastic to tell me what my time was, but it was always behind. I think the trees were messing with it. At mile 4, it even talked slowly, like Dori talking to the whale in Finding Nemo!

Okay, now I start to worry! Is the GPS off? Are the mile markers off? Usually, runtastic hits the miles early, not late! 
At about mile 6.5 we turned around and started back. Wow! That was fast, and my time is still amazing. Hooray!

You couldn't beat the scenery, and the volunteers at the water stops were amazing! I even got water from Girl Scouts twice! Go Girl Scouts!!!
Around mile 8, I started to get achey. I was doing math in my head at every mile at this point, because a PR was definitely possible. Mile 9, still on track! Mile 10, still on track. 
Now I am getting ready eyes. Will I do it? I have gotten this law before, only I slow down at the end. I am trying not to get too excited, but as I get closer, I realize that it is going to happen! I am going to PR!
Take that, Krispy Kreme!
As I entered that last mile, the spectators doubled and everyone was cheering and yelling. Being a Biggest Loser Race, a lot of first time runners were there, and their families are out in force!
At about mile 12.5 I saw the hubs, camera in hand, an that's when it became real. I was so close to the end, and my time was still amazing!

Nice face, right? I was telling he hubs what my PR was going to be: five minutes faster! Holy Heck!

I rounded the last corner and could see the time clock and was still shocked to see it! 2:23! I was amazed! My hips ached, my legs ached, my feet ached, but none of that seemed to matter anymore!
Official time: 2:23:21
It was amazing! It is an official 5 minute PR!My best time before now was Staten Island, a 2:28:12 finish. So I guess I was about 0:0:09 short, but I don't think I will quibble over that!
I got my medal, and tried to walk off some of the stiffness and get my breath back. I have exercise induced asthma and, although I no longer require an inhaler, I do sometimes have a hard time recovering right away.

I wanted to get an 'after' picture in front of the Biggest Loser wall so I got in line. I got closer to the front and realized Pam was there! She loved my SparkleSkirt! We also listened to Dan perform some songs.

 After a few texts, I hooked back up with Adam and Tawni for some post-race photo ops on the beach!

What an amazing day! I cannot stop thinking about it! This one will be a favorite for awhile, I think!

Today is my 2 Year Runniversary! Two years ago today, I started the C25K program! I am amazed at how far I have come!
In honor of my 2nd Runniversary, I am giving away 2 Season's Best Recipe Cookbooks from the Pampered Chef spring/summer 2013 line!

Just leave a comment below to enter! I will choose a winner next Monday!


  1. good job and Happy Bloggiversary

  2. Congratulations!! What a great race and PR!!!

  3. Congrats on your PR! What an exciting weekend!

    1. thank you, it was so much fun! My next fun race weekend will be Rock n Roll Providence i think!

  4. Awesome job, girl!! I'm hoping to run that race here in November! Maybe you should eat a Krispy Kreme before every race from now on! ;)
    I love your sparkle skirt, I have the same one. Congrats on your PR and happy runniversary!!

    1. lol that is a great idea! There aren't many around here, though, lots of Dunkins though! Thank you :)
