Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Running With Oral IV.... with a giveaway!

****I was given two packages of Oral IV for the purposes of this review. I am in no way obligated to provide positive reviews. All opinions, as always, are my own. Thank you to my friends at Fit Approach for the opportunity! Sweat Pink!****
At the end of each month, I set my mileage goal for the next month. I base it on how many miles I will need to train for my next big race. When I set my goal for August....I added incorrectly and set my goal about 6 miles too high.
Here I am with just 3 runs left this month, and I have miles to make up! I am going to meet this goal! I decide to run 5 miles Today and Thursday, and a 5K on Saturday, and I will make it!
I woke up this morning feeling the after effects of last night's ice cream. I am lactose intolerant. Some days I can eat ice cream and some days I can't. This was definitely a can't kind of day! I decided to change my route to keep me closer to home, in case I started to feel worse. Luckily, that didn't happen!
I like to get my hydration in before I run these shorter runs, so that I don't have to carry a water bottle with me. Today, I gave myself a little something extra, by using Oral IV.

This is NOT a water substitute. As a matter of fact, I poured mine into my water this morning and drank half of it before my run and half of it after. It is perfect for runners, cross fitters (is that a thing?), cyclists, triathletes, etc. The ingredients are natural, there are no sugars or stimulants, it improves focus and concentration, increases endurance, and promotes faster recovery!
It has no taste, you would never have known that it was in there!
Did it help? I think so. I felt good, I was not as thirsty after my run as I sometimes get, even though I was sweating. A lot. I didn't get the headache I sometimes get after a hot and sweaty run either. Coincidence? Maybe. I am definitely going to continue to use these for my longer runs!

When you purchase your own, use code "fitness" at checkout for 10% off!
The wonderful people at Oral IV provided me with two packages, and I am going to share! I am also going to make it easy on you! 
Follow them at one of their social medias, and comment that you did so, and you are entered! Simple! I will choose the winner by random draw next Tuesday, September 3rd.
You can stalk them find them here:

Have you ever woken up and just *not* felt well enough to run? Did you run anyway?


  1. I followed on FB and Twitter....I dont have a you tube account.

    If I don't have a race and dont feel well I wont run.

    1. smart girl! I am such a glutton for punishment, I guess. I will shorten a run, or in the case of impending death by allergies, I will cancel.

  2. Oh - and most of the time I will run anyway - I may slow down but I'll still run. Only a couple of times I think I've skipped!

  3. I think I would die if I couldn't eat ice cream. I'm glad you do get to sometimes!
    I like them on FB and twitter.

    1. the hubs keeps telling me to buy Lactaid, but I feel like this is a way to prevent me from bingeing lol! Good luck!

  4. Once when I had a very bad sinus infection, I decided that since I already couldn't breathe well, running would probably be a bad idea ;) Then, recently, I didn't necessarily feel too bad before my long run, but felt increasingly worse during...but I finished out the run! Gonna follow Oral IV on FB and Twitter.

    1. Probablt good that you didn't run with a sinus infection! isn't it crazy how we never want to actually rest now? At first, I dreaded each longer run, because it was so hard!

  5. I was wondering if you were familiar with the following analysis of and research about this product:
    http://specialcircumstancesinc.blogspot.com/2013/06/tactical-snake-oil-part-2-chemical.html - Chemical analysis of Oral IV
    http://specialcircumstancesinc.blogspot.com/2011/08/tactical-snake-oil-or-why-you-should.html - An analysis of earlier claims from the manufacturer
    http://bfelabs.net/analysis-of-oral-iv-and-commentary/ - Further commentary on the analysis and claims
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUt-Vz3oqgw - Rehydration Science and Oral IV

