Monday, August 26, 2013

Dopey Training Week 8 and Runniversary Winners!

This week was a lazy week! I ran, and I planked. That's about it! I have updated my schedule to include Slim in 6 workouts, and I am going to look for some September Challenges. I am thinking arms and abs. Anyone care to join me? When I find them I will post the calendars here!
Back to this week's workouts! My legs were very achey this week from running the Biggest Loser Half, but I got it done!
Monday: a 2:00 plank and a dog walk!
Tuesday: I used my Zombies, Run! app to run sprints. My legs were achey and tired, and it was an ugly run. I also walked to all my errands that day, probable 1.5 miles, and I planked. No plank photo, I do them late, and I must have been too tired!
Wednesday: plank, and now that I am getting into longer planks, I have started reading Dan Brown's Inferno while I plank. It makes the time go faster!
Thursday: another ugly Zombie run. I stopped after the mission was over, at just over 2 miles. I just wasn't feeling it. I also had some tummy issues and I was worried about a flare up when I was too far from home! Planks are 2:30 now!

Friday: mall walk with the boy and the teenie. We were buying shoes for the boy, which is always painful, and I got another Disney Gift Card for Dopey weekend. Planked as well :)
Saturday: Sara's 5K. Sara is awesome! She runs this 5K every month, free of charge, and she gives out a couple prizes each month by random draw. You just need to run the 5K, take some pics, and post to the wall afterwards. If you decide to join us, tell her that Kim #383 sent you! She will give you a race number once you register for the year. I also planked, and played amateur photographer for the teenie. She is auditioning for Cats and needed a head shot.

doesn't she look so grown up! SO sad! lol

Sunday: Plank and a walk at the reservoir. We also attended a wedding reception for the hubs' niece, who was married in Arizona in May. No dancing, but the food was yummy :)
yes, I wore my Kermit Vans to walk. We were supposed to attend a baseball game but I messed up the time and we missed it!

Not a bad week overall, but it definitely leaves room for improvement! I have not been following WW either, so my weight loss has stalled. I got lots of compliments at the wedding, though, so I must be doing something right! The boy does not do family photos right now, so this is all you get to see!

On to the two winners of the Runniversary Pampered Chef Season's Best giveaway! I used to choose the winners and they are...........

and 4 am Runner

Congrats ladies!!! Email me at with your addresses and I will send them out asap!

What did you do this weekend??

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