Saturday, August 10, 2013

Asbury Park 5K

Don't you just love last minute races? You didn't plan for them, you had your Saturday free, and then BAM!
Two of your friends post on your Facebook wall about how you *just have to run* with them on Saturday. This, of course, was on Thursday.
So, I registered. The clincher was the bling! Most 5ks do not have bling, but this was a rather large race, and they.had.bling.
Tie dyed bling! The hubs even stopped at packet pick up for me the night before, and i got my bib (Tie dyed!) and my shirt. I don't know how, but I ended up with the shirt that the volunteers were wearing, so it wasn't tie dyed like the rest, but it had Tilly, the face of Asbury Park on it, so I am good with it!

Saturday, morning my friend Cheryl picked me up and I rode to the race with her, her mom Ronnie, and her brother Ryan. Ryan is one of those annoying guys who gets age group prizes at every race. Luckily, he is a nice guy, so I let it slide. I admit to being a bit of a hater, but I get over it pretty quickly!
It was a beautiful morning although it was a little hot and humid.

The course was a double loop, not something I am a huge fan of, but at least the scenery was nice! I lost my friend Cheryl, and figured she had run ahead of me, as usual! I hit the first mile marker in under 9 minutes, and knew it would not end well. Too fast! I stopped at every water stop and drank at least half, but I still kept up the pace. Two mile marker was about 19 minutes. Better, but I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it up in the heat. My best time for a 5K is 29:45, perfect Fall weather, though. My goal at that point was to stay under 31 minutes. As I approached the finish, I picked it up as best I could, but the heat was making me nauseous. Ugh. I finished in 30:39! Hooray! I love that my time started with a 30! Woohoo!
I collected my medal and some water and went to look for my friends.

Isn't it pretty? I am sending it to my pal Bryce, who I run 4 through the I Run for Michael Program. I hope he loves it, it is so colorful!
I found my friend Cheryl, who finished *after* me. I have only beat her once before, so you know I enjoyed that just a little too much. She is awesome about it, and was so happy for me! We stopped to take photos and then went to look for her family.
We found Ryan right away, and he told us he finished in 19 minutes. It's okay, you can be a hater, too. He understands. He left to go hang out with his wife's family, and we waited for Ronnie. She did such a great job! She got her medal and we went to get some food. They had a great spread, lots to eat and drink, and a mini expo. We watched the kids race, where they all got special medals and tees, and then walked over for the age group announcements.
Ryan got third in his group and 33rd overall! Holy heck!
expo, and the Berkeley

live music singing some Bruce!

Ryan getting his prize, he is on the right
I saved the best for last! Noooo, no prizes for me, let's get real! The 60 year old ladies kicked my butt. I have mentioned before that there is an amazingl talented and generous guy who plays the trumpet at all of these events. He stands out there, no matter the weather, and plays and cheers everybody on. His name is Dave, and I just love seeing him at these races. I finally saw him *after* a race, though, and got a picture!
Jase would be so proud of that beard!
What a great, unplanned race day!
I am now impatiently waiting for the first Football game of the season. Go Giants!

Did you race today? Are you watching pre season Football?


  1. thank you Lisa! i love getting bling for a 5K, it is a rare treat!

  2. Sounds like a fun race. Love the bling!

  3. Awesome! No race for me today, although I wish I had.

    Heck, yes to preseason football! Watched the Dolphins and the Jags last night! So happy it's football season again!

    1. I was so happy to be able to watch again, even more happy that we won! Go GIANTS!

  4. Awesome job!! I ran a half marathon this weekend. Didn't get the time I wanted, but still had fun! :)

    1. fabulous! Congrats!! I have one coming up this weekend, can't wait!

  5. hugs & kisses, Kim - proud to get my picture with you !!!
