Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Quest for 13 Half Marathons in 2013

It all started at the end of last year. Someone mentioned setting a goal of running 13 Half Marathons in 2013. It seemed like a good idea at the time! I LOVE the distance and the challenge of a Half Marathon, I wanted to set some goals for 2013. Why not make my big goal to run 13 Half Marathons?
When Jill started this challenge I was eager to join! I began searching high and low for enough Half Marathons to fill my calendar! I wanted most of them to be actual races, to keep me motivated, but was willing to run Virtuals as well, to try and keep costs low!
To date I have completed 8 of the 13:
#1: Barking Mad Half Marathon, in the snow!
#2: E Murray Todd with Eileen. Freezing cold and super hilly, we were among the last to finish!

#3: Rock n Roll USA, an amazing race, tutu and all!

#4 Runapalooza, tweaked my knee and ended with a horrible time!

#5: April Fool's Half in AC, a great girl's weekend!

#6: Long Branch Half, Eileen and I visited the Trenton half booth and this pic won me a tech shirt!

#7: Superhero Half, it rained the.whole.time. and took forever to finish, but it was FUN!

#8: Biggest Loser Half, 5 minute PR!!

Coming up, I have my last 5 Half Marathons:

  1. Sloppy Cuckoo Half in Philadelphia, a crazy trail run
  2. Rock n Roll Providence, which will earn me a bonus RnR medal!
  3. Atlantic City Half
  4. Runner's World weekend, where I will run the Hat Trick
  5. Trenton Half, my final Half of the year!
Do you have any race goals for the year 2013?


  1. SUCH an awesome goal, and you're killing it! Way to go. I was considering doing Rock n' Roll Providence! Right now, I'm in for the one in Philly. Best of luck on these final half marathons, and congrats on the Biggest Loser PR! :-D

    1. thanks Jennifer!! I did Philly last year and loved it! I hope to do Vegas in 2104 or 2015. I also did USA this year, which was awesome!
