Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hung for the Holidays

I participated in several swaps this Christmas, with my fellow bloggers and facebook friends! They were all so much fun! One was organized by Carlyn at Just Keep Sweating called Hung for the Holidays!
I was given Jane's name to shop for. Jane doesn't have a blog for me to share with you, but she does have 2 adorable rescue dogs so I chose a multi pack of cute silver dog ornaments for her. I wish I had thought to take a picture, but it was a big shopping day, and amidst all the unpacking, wrapping, etc. I just plain forgot!
My ornament came from Joanna at Making Mine and she sent me the most amazing peace sign ornament. It is metal, but it is designed to look like it is made of twigs. SO COOL! I just love it!!

Isn't it gorgeous?!?!
Thank you so much, Joanna!

Did you participate in any swaps this year? Ornament, Secret Santa?