Saturday, January 7, 2012

My first Long Run

"The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare."
-Juma Ikangaa, 1989 NYC Marathon winner

Before I start with my first long run, let me tell you about the class I took at Gold's last night. A co-worker told me about this Cardio Bar class that replaced Piloxing (sob!) so I decided to go try it out. O.M.G. This class was intense! It was the first night of the series so she "took it easy on us". The ball doesn't weigh much at first, it is one of those Physio Balls you can sit on or lay on to do weight work or abs. She had us carrying it over our heads, in front of us, bouncing it. She failed to mention that by the end of the hour it would miraculously *gain* weight! O.M.G. But let me tell you, it was FUN! I cannot wait to go back, even though she will be having us use weights next week!

On to my first "long" run. Being the first week of training, it was only 50 minutes. I woke up stuffed up with a headache and had plans to go into NYC later in the morning, and had almost talked myself out of it. This made me mad, though, so off I went. It was a beautiful morning, almost 50* out, there was a smallish bridge and the route had some gentle hills. Great run, no one really out yet, although it was 9:15, not really too early. I got in a smidge over 4 miles and felt amazing afterward! I am so glad that I decided to go. No more headache afterward either, which was a nice bonus!

One week down, seventeen to go!Well, 17 until my *first* half marathon. The second one is 253 days away! I will be *so* ready!

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