Monday, May 20, 2013

Super Hero Half Marathon

This should have been the worst race ever for me!
My morning started at 4:15, when i got up and dressed in my Iron Woman costume (it was lame but I sparkled!)  and then headed to Fort Dix to pick up from friend Maryalicia. She was here from Vancouver, Washington and it was so exciting to finally be able to meet her in person! Of course, I managed to get lost and picked her up at 6 instead of 5:30! We still had just enough time to make it to the photo op for Half Fanatics, though.
Enter the rain.
It rained for the whole drive, but pouring, but not misting either. UGH!
What a fun drive though, chatting and laughing! It made the time fly by! We managed to park in Morristown, and find our Half Fanatic friends. While we were all chatting, a man came up and asked if he could take a pic of us! We looked awesome, lol. We found a dry spot and he took a pic with his camera, and then all of ours. Great guy!!!

 After the Half Fanatic group photo everyone had a little fun with their Super hero poses. Eileen and Maryalicia practiced the Super Man flying pose.

Then we noticed the Incredibles, and had to get a pic with them!

So many great costumes! We also saw Iron Man and another (way better) Iron Woman! The guy won the costume contest at the end!
So awesome! It was about time to line up, so we ditched our ponchos and Maralicia ran ahead to get some starting line shots. She also found a very kind GIANTS fan to take pics of us as we approached. People are so amazing!
LOVE it! We were off into the rain after that! There was much cheering and laughing, and a lot of singing, as we ran. Maryalicia made the race so much fun! We stopped and took pics of costumes, and even some of the Aid Stop volunteers were in costume! We also thanks all of the real heroes: cops, FD, and EMS.
Underdog, he made his own costume. LOVE it!

The rain never stopped, and the hills were kinda sucky.
And yet we had so much fun!! I knew my time was going to be terrible, but I didn't care! A race like this had to be all about the fun, like a Disney race. Only wet and cold.
We saw Mario during the run through the woods, and when asked for a photo, he said he couldn't stop. He had to find Princess Peach ..again.. and she better not be in yet another castle. We laughed about that for about a mile, and then we found her ourselves at a Water Stop.
The whole table had the Mario them, it was hysterical. We also stopped to thank some real heroes!
Maryalicia also took a few Honey Stingers action shots of me, since they are awesome enough to sponsor me!
check out the fog on the camera!

The race was a double loop, so we ran the course twice. It was a nice course, even with the hills, and would have been beautiful without the rain. The rain definitely sucked some of the love out, but we made the best of it and had a great time. We finished in about 2:44, and our friend Lisa actually came up behind us and finished with us in the end! So awesome!

We collected our medals and headed over to the food tents. Only there was not much food. Some apples and bananas, and some various drink choices. No food. No volunteers either. The coconut water people were leaving as well. That made me a little angry: they had tents, they were dry, we were the wet ones! We cheered on some incoming racers, expecially ones we remembered from the course. We
also met up with a first time Half Marathoner and a new Half Fanatic. While we looked at the food offerings (lol) we also had some runners tell is that we motivated them with out good attitudes and fun on the course. I am thinking it was 75% Maryalicia and maybe 25% me, but it was nice to hear!
We headed over to the awards ceremony, and they had a costume contest. Maryalicia and 3 others entered, and there were 4 prizes!
Wonder Woman got 2nd, Iron Man got 1st, Maryalicia was 3rd and Superman was 4th.

Her prize was a gift certificate to a shop in town. Free lunch!
She also scored herself a beer glass for traveling so far! Woot!

We had a very nice lunch at C'Est Cheese in Morristown, and then stopped at Sweet Lucy's Bakery for cupcakes. Yum!
And then our day was over! I dropped Maryalicia back at the base and limped home to recover, lol.
I was super tired last night and went to bed early. Last night my ankle and calf were tight, but so far today, no real pain. Yay!
Next stop? Spring Lake Five Miler!

Have you ever raced in horrible conditions?


  1. Come on over to read another recap of the same race:

    I'm going to edit mine to mention the crowds -- they were superheroes for hanging out in the rain!

    1. lol I just read yours from your post at PbRC! Way to go!!!

  2. Replies
    1. thank you so much!!!! I am glad I found yours, I love reading about other people's runs!!

  3. What a totally fun race, love the costumes!!! Dressed fun like that no matter the weather you'd have to have a blast right! I ran the Oklahoma City marathon one year in pouring rain, hail and strong winds all 26.2 miles, it was miserably cold. But all said and done, I appreciate the experience:) Saw you on Running Bloggers, I look forward to following!

    1. yikes, I cannot imagine 26.2 in the rain! You go girl!

  4. So adorable! I love these superhero races! The weather looks absolutely miserable. Congratulations on making it through!

    1. Thank you, it was a fun day, but the rain really sucked all the energy out of me. I barely got off the couch all night!

  5. Awesome job, girl! I love all of the costumes and it sounds like you had a blast! Too bad they didn't have any food when you finished though. I ran a half marathon in the pouring rain and off and on hail! It was crazy! But still a cool neat experience!

    1. Thanks! I am hoping for smooth weather for my next few races! I have a five miler on Saturday that has a history of being HOT every year, but the forecast looks good so far!

  6. Great recap.Even though it was raining,I enjoyed this course more than I have the previous years running it.

    1. It was definitely a beautiful course, I am sorry I didn't see you there!

  7. Great recap! What a fun race :)

  8. So sorry about the rain, but y'all are SO CUTE! Love the theme of this race!!

    1. thank you so much! We had a lot of fun with it!

  9. Aw, I wish we had something like that here in Australia. So much fun!

  10. Way to hang in there and run in the rain! Looks like a really fun race =)

  11. AWESOME pictures! You definitely captured some of the best costumes, haha. Great job on the was quite an experience, for sure! :-D

    1. we hunted them down and forced them to stop ol

    2. hahah the ones we could get to stop..Spiderman wouldn't :P

    3. lol no Spiderman would not, he had crime to fight apparently! I also totally forgot about Robin, who wouldn't stop because the Batmobile was parked illegally!

  12. I was sooo honored to run with you! Thanks for picking me up! Great write-up love all the pics

    your Running BFF

