Friday, May 17, 2013

Packet Pick Up Day!

Awhile back, I signed up for the SuperHero Half Marathon in Morristown NJ. I am so excited for this race for a few reasons:

  1. dress up time!!
  2. Half Fanatic meet up
  3. My friend Maryalicia is here from Washington State and she is running it with me!
  4. Race #7 out of 13!
  5. dress up time!
Did I mention dressing up? I am going as Iron Woman! I will post a Flat Mama tomorrow, I am sure, but it will be very simple. Red tech shirt, red sparkly skirt, and a gold sparkly head band. Oh, and this symbol:
So simple!  I cannot wait to see all of the other costumes!
I drove up to Morristown today to pick up our bibs. Well, I drove by way of the hubs' office so we could do lunch. I had the most amazing salad at Panera! 
SO yummy!
The drive to Morristown was pretty much cut in half now, and it is a nice straight route! What a beautiful town!
Packet pick up was quick, just a small table at the back of a Running Store. I picked up our bibs and tees, and got a cute Brooks running singlet, so cute! I will take a pic the first time I wear it.
I will share my Flat Mama later, for now it is off to bed so I can be ready in the morning for the 5k! I will leave you with the not so exciting bib:

Are you running this weekend?


  1. YEAH! So excited to be runnign with you Kim! (and later sharing cupcakes!!) I agree bib is..anticlimactic :(


  2. YAY! Awesome costume idea. I'll be going as an Incredible...because heaven forbid I miss any opportunity to dress up as a Disney character, haha. I'll keep an eye out for you! Have a great race! :-D

    1. I saw a couple dressed as the Incredibles, but that was it! How was it for you? I was wet and miserable lol and yet we had the best time! Stopped and took a lot of pics and goofed around, it was a great time!
