Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bay Head 5K

Another last minute 5K for me!
I have run this course twice before, and it is great for PRs, nice and flat and fast! My best time going in was 31:04 and I was determined to beat it! I blew off Packet Pickup last night, so I had to leave a little early this morning. Since the race start is only about 1.25 miles away, I rode my bike.

I had to stop on the bridge and take a pic! It was nice and cool, no breeze really, a little humid. I got my tee and bib and stashed what I didn't need in my bike basket. While I waited to start I listened to the bagpipers. I LOVE bagpipers!
Because of Sandy, the course was different this year, almost backwards, using a few different roads. I started out fast, but it didn't feel too fast.  Until I hit the one mile mark. OMG 9:00. I wanted to slow down, but it felt easy so I kept it up. I hoped it wouldn't bite me in the butt later! A few of my friends were there with their kids, and they yelled out to me as I passed them. It definitely fueled my run! As I approached 2 miles, I saw the clock and was amazed again to see my time was around 18:30. Holy crow! Right around mile 2.5 my friend George flew by,. shouting out that he started 7 minutes late. I was trying no to be a hater, but I did call him a show off as he blew by me!
As I approached the finish, the time said 31:30ish, but my Runtastic app said 30:41. It also said the course was almost 3.5 miles. It was actually more like 3.2 and my official time was 30:25! I actually beat last year's time by 40 seconds, and beat my friend Cheryl (for the first time ever) by 13 seconds! woot!
All in all a great race and I look forward to October so I can run it again, and try to get into the 20s!

Tomorrow is the SuperHero Half, so excited about this one!
Flat Mama:
semi lame IronWoman costume

What did you do this weekend?


  1. was a cold one in Morristown today! Hope you've warmed up since the run. :)

    1. yes! Thanks to heated car seats and dry sweats, I warmed up! Hope you had a great race!
