Friday, May 31, 2013

Mark Your Calendars

Mark your calendar for June 3rd. It should be easy, lol, it is Monday!
What is happening Monday, you ask? It is  the launch of

Look at that tagline! Intrigued? I hope so! I have been hearing about KindRunner over the last few weeks, and I was so excited that I contacted them right away to ask if I could write about them on my blog! They were happy that I was interested, and that I wanted to write about them, so they invited me to be an Ambassador!
Joe at KindRunner told me that they have 3 goals:

1 - Make running as fun, enjoyable, and injury and stress free as possible for all of our customers
2 - Reduce the running community's impact on the environment as much as we possibly can
3 - Help people in need all around the world by repurposing used running shoes

I love when races ask for your old shoes, but not all races will do that. I sometimes have 2 and 3 pairs of old running shoes in my closet at a time. The hubs is never so thrilled about that!
At KindRunner, they make donating your old shoes easy!
  1. They are all experienced runners who have worked in Running Stores in the past. They have races, been injured, have recovered, and have raced again! There will even be Expert Product Reviews! They will help you find the perfect sneaker for your running adventures!
  2. The average running shoe sits in a landfill for close to 100 years. Oh.My.Heck. They take our shoes, that we can no longer run in (no matter how much we want to!) and repurpose them.
  3. They donate the shoes to places like Haiti, Africa, and even parts of the US!
Admit it, you are intrigued!
So mark your calendar, and break out the Social Medias so you can hear from them!

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