Sunday, May 12, 2013

Revolt Week 2, A Rainy 5K, and the Hubs raced!!

What a crazy week I have had! Today was week 2 of Revolt Fitness. I am now down 3.5 pounds and I am firming up a *lot*. My tummy is flatter, my clothes fit better,  feel better!! I have been mostly following the diet plan, but had to change a few meals. The plan makes it very easy to swap out meals, though!
Monday, I skipped working out, as I was in a little pain from running the Long Branch half!
The hubs and I celebrated our Anniversary on Monday, and we did walk for about an hour on the boardwalk.

Anniversary cupcake

Tuesday's workout was Lower Body, not great when your legs hurt from a Sunday Half!
Wednesday was a day off, but I did get my bib for the Spring Lake Five, woot!

I have never been very good at days off, though, so I did squeeze in a little exercise!

Best plank in awhile!

dog walk!

Thursday was a regular workout day, and I also worked on the Tardis blue sparkly skirts for our upcoming Dr Who Virtual 5K.

Friday was Upper Body and I also went for a run with my friend Cheryl.
When I came back from the run, my Trenton Half Run for Boston tee came!

On our tun, Cheryl convinced me to race with her on Saturday. It was super overcast, but the rain didn't start until the gun went off to start the race.

Overall, it was a great race! I got a free bib because Cheryl's daughter couldn't race. Thanks Cheryl! Afterwards, we headed to my parent's house, so the hubs could race there the next morning.
Sunset near my Mom's house

Mother's Day was the day of the Hubs' race, so we got up kinda early, and headed out to the middle of nowhere for his race.

The next Revolt Uprising starts June 4th. Who is going to join me?


  1. I am right there with you on the wall sits. They are insanity!

  2. You are one busy lady. And congrats on losing the 3.5lbs. I too can tell a difference in the way my clothes fit.

    1. That's awesome! I am yo-yo-ing with the weight loss, but the inches are definitely melting!
