Saturday, May 25, 2013

Spring Lake Five

The Spring lake Five Miler is a crazy popular local race! It sells out faster than a Disney Race, and has close to 10,000 runners every year! Historically, the race is on the hottest day of the month, and is held Memorial Day weekend. This morning was not hot. For the 3rd weekend in a row, I raced in the rain!

My morning started off on the Bay Head Train, which is the only way to travel up and down the Jersey coastline on a summer holiday weekend! It is a fast train ride, followed by a quick walk to the Race Area. It was overcast, cold, and sprinkling.
crossing Spring Lake

Starting Line in the distance, look at that sky!

the ocean is over there I swear!

I could not find any of my friends, so I headed to the notoriously long Porta Potty line. 10,000 people and maybe 20 potties does not make for a happy start!
potty line, wish it was a better shot of that guy's mustache, can you see it??
starting line

Anyway, the race started at exactly 8:30, and it took me about 90 seconds to cross the start. The first mile was pretty much duck and dodge the whole way. I cannot tell you how many walkers there were at the front! I am all for walking a race, but please oh please, line up towards the back! I passed so many people in that first mile and I was towards the front of the mob!
Near the first mile I also dumped my sweatshirt, something I have never done. I lost one of my Yurbud earpiece thingies too, and that made me sad. I have to contact them about new ones! I got over it pretty quick, my first mile was about 10:30 and I was thrilled!
I was not passing as many people now, and it was getting easier to get a rhythm going! I saw my good friend Dave from JSRC and his trumpet right around mile 2. It always makes me smile to see him! Just afterwards some bonehead dropped something and ran back all willy nilly to pick it up and almost bowled me over! He had runner's legs (know what I mean? lol) so this was not his first rodeo! So frustrating!
Each mile got easier, and despite the intermittent rain, the crowds were huge! The scenery is beautiful as most of the race involves Lake Como, the Spring Lake, and all of the beautiful Victorian homes. Mile 4 is my favorite, and just like last year, there was loud music and cheerleaders (well, ladies cheering lol) and it is really just the pep you need for that last mile!

I knew the course, and for the first time since Sandy, the course hadn't changed! That last turn was like a victory lap! The last quarter mile is along the ocean, and the crowds were all cheering. Last year, this was where all the pukers were, lol. It was so hot and so many were dehydrated. This year, everyone caught sight of that finish line and sprinted. When I realized what my time would be, I joined them!
Last year's time: 59:53
This year's time: 53:28
That's right! A 6+ minute PR!
I am sure the weather had something to do with it. The heat slowed me down last year, for sure. BUT I ran another 5 miler last year in perfect weather and it took just over an hour! I am so thrilled with my time!
I grabbed my medal and a cup of water and headed for the food!
Cute, right The bottom swirl is the boardwalk, something the Jersey Shore is famous for. I really love it!
The food was great, we got a bagel, a bottled water, soda, gatorade, bananas, chips, and a Jersey Mike's Sub (you might know them as hoagies, depending on where you live.) I ate the bagel and saved the rest for the hubs lol.
Back to the train I went to bask in my glory! And to tweet, text, and facebook about it. Let's be honest, until you tell *everyone*, it never really happened! Right?

Are you racing this weekend?


  1. Congratulations on such an awesome PR! I cannot believe how long those lines were for the bathroom but what sick 'stach on that guy. Nice photo!

    1. thank you, I was so excited when I crossed that finish line! Those bathroom lines were nuts! I am glad you liked the 'stache pic, it took some covert operations to get it lol

  2. Wow!! What a huge pr, Kim- way to go!!
