Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting the New Year off with a Virtual Run

Like so many of my Blogger friends, I started the New Year off with a Virtual Run! After going to bed early so late (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) I woke up to find it was a nice toasty 40* out! Woot! Doesn't get much better than that, except maybe for the hubs wanting to come with me for the first 2 miles. Hooray!

I got dressed in my warmest running clothes and grabbed my bibs for my 2 Virtual Races, that kinda go hand in hand which I *love*.

As part of my Run to the Finish Resolution Race, co-hosted by Mommy, Run Fast, who is also hosting the 5 by the 5th Virtual series, I ran 5 miles today. I chose 5 miles, but you could also choose a 5K, so long as you finish it every month, by the 5th of the month, from January to June.
What a great way to get me moving every month! I also got to put my Resolutions Goals for 2013 in writing, and into the Facebook Ether! Hooray! I can't wait to run my 13 Halfs in 2013, along with my 5 by the 5th Five Milers! 
It turned out to be a great run as well! We ran in the neighborhood, to keep it safe, and the Hubs did very well in keeping up, even though he said more than once that he wanted to quit. Once he hit the 2 mile mark he went home, to get the car so that he could buy the teenies and their friends some donuts. I ket at the last 3 miles, trying to make up a little of the time I lost when he was running with me. He can kick my butt in a one miler, but once we pass that, I am the Queen, lol. It was a nice run in the end, perfect for a taper run. Disney is in less than 2 weeks, holy heck!

After my run, we took the pups to Bay Head beach again. It still saddens me to see all of the damage from Sandy, but life must go on, and I can't keep pretending it didn't happen! The dogs love the beach, and Nugget LOVES the Ocean, although she didn't swim in it this time. We walked just over 1.5 miles,  just the right amount to wear the pups out for a few hours!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!!!

What did you do today to set the stage for a great 2013?


  1. Replies
    1. thank you Stacey! Felt great to start it off that way!

  2. Nice job on your virtual run! Sounds like a lot of fun to run 'virtually' with other bloggers!

    1. Thanks Alicia, I am loving all the blog posts popping up about their races!

  3. Great job on your 5-miler. I'm working on my 5K time in 2013, so I'm doing the 5K option. :)

    How fun to live close enough to a beach to take your dogs for a walk there. My pup hates the water, but I wonder if she'd like running on the beach.

    1. Thanks Clarinda, Good luck with your 5K time this year! I hope you smash it! It is nice to live near the beach, although it is coooold this time of year!

  4. I'm glad you had such a good run! Love that you're excited about this challenge... it will be fun to see everyone's progress!

  5. I love that your husband ran with you. I so wish my hubs were able to do things like that.

    Cute bibs! My printer was out of ink so I wasn't able. :-(

    Glad you were able to get the pups out. I can only imagine how sad it is to see the devestation od Sandy.

    I ran the 5 by the 5th 5 miler too!

    1. Carli, the hubs only runs short distances, lol, like a mile or two, and the occasional 5K. My bib was in B&W because we had no color ink! Finally just got it last night! I hate when that happens! Have fun with the rest of your 5 by the 5th runs!!
