Thursday, January 3, 2013

My One Year Blogiversary!

Today marks the one year Anniversary of my first blog post! I cannot believe that one year ago, I was starting to train for my first Half Marathon, and in just over a week, I will be running the Disney Marathon! What a difference a year makes!

I am fighting an ugly cold, and am starting to lose, so I will keep this short and sweet! Thank you to all of my amazing Blogger Friends, and all of my followers here, and on Facebook. You are so amazing! I look forward to stalking meeting some of you in Disney next week!
Have a happy Thursday!

To all my blogger friends, how long have you been blogging?


  1. Happy Blogiversary! Welcome to the first year of forever!!!

  2. Happy Blogiversary!!! So exciting! Good Luck at your Disney Race! I hope you're eating Vitamin C like its candy to stay well! lol Hope you feel better soon! :)

    1. lol Sarah, I am! I also went to bed early last night and I already feel 50% better! I plan to rest alot this weekend, and drink plenty of fluids!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! And you go girl with the Disney Marathon!! :)

    Rest as much as you can & hope you knock down that cold quickly. :)

    1. Thank you, feeling better today, and planning to rest a lot this weekend! 6 days to go!

  4. Happy blogiversary! I hope you feel better soon!! I've been blogging since April 2007. I wanted to document my training for my first Goofy (and first full marathon) in 2008!

    1. Thank you Leana! Congrats on 5 years of blogging!!

  5. Congrats on one year! We're running marathons on the same day... can you believe it's almost here?! Best of luck at Disney!

    1. I can't believe it! Good luck at your marathon, I look forward to reading your recap!! Good luck! You will be amazing!

  6. Thats so cool...One year!!! And even more impressive is the half to full in that time. Good Luck!!! Cant wait to hear all about it :)

    1. Thank you Stacey! I will be posting pics and blogs during my stay.....I hope!

  7. Happy blogiversary! I ran my first half last year, so hopefully I can do a full this year too!

    1. Thank you, look out for my recap! I will try blogging from Disney if the internet is any good!
