Friday, January 25, 2013

Barking Mad Virtual Half Marathon

I may have mentioned a few times in the past just how much I *love* Virtual Races! Why?

  1. They are much cheaper than live races
  2. You run them when it suits you
  3. you usually get BLING!
  4. It benefits a great cause, and usually helps a fellow runner or blogger with their fundraising goals
  5. You get BLING!
  6. Did I mention the bling?
I am currently hosting my third  Virtual Race, this time a Half Marathon! You can run, walk, bike , or crawl this one! Do it all at once or a little at a time!
The details are here and I also have a Facebook event page.

Remember the bling? These are spinners! This shows the front and back of actual medals that just arrived today!
I am also doing a drawing on February 16th, for everyone who enters. So far, in the pile o prizes, we have Breast Cancer ribbon happy bands. I will also be adding some decals to the pile. Once we hit 30 registered racers (we hit 20 today!) I will add something else. I wonder what it will be?


  1. Those are some really nice bling! Oh a Half Marathon is a BIG amount for someone who just started so I am going to share this like crazy for ya!

  2. Hey! Just found your blog - this is a GREAT idea!!

    1. thank you, it is a great fundraiser. There are alot of them out there, though, so you don't always get as many racers as you would like! My first one had 100, though!

  3. Awesome idea about the virtual half marathon! Is it open to people outside the US?
