Sunday, October 28, 2012

Running with Sandy

Hurricane Sandy that is!
Today I needed to run to make up a run that I missed on Tuesday. I live at the Jersey Shore, and Sandy is looming, so I wanted to get one last run in before the storm hits!
I woke up and checked the sky for run......none yet, and the wind wasn't bad either. Woot! I got dressed and headed out for my run!
Not looking good, but not bad either! I chose my favorite "close to home" run, an out and back that is 2 miles if I do it straight, but I can veer off to a park and add some extra mileage. I started out towards the bay and it was pretty easy, not too windy, until I turned North. That was where the wind was! Luckily, I only had to run one block before turning East again, towards the bay.
The bay was mile one, and I stopped to take pics while i stretched my shin, which still aches!

Not too bad yet, a few white caps, but not bad. By the end of this storm, that beach will be gone. My son kayaked on the sand last year during Irene, and in the street as well. I hope the new tennis court fares well! It is so beautiful and I haven't had a chance to use it yet!
I ran around the loop at the end of the road, and started back. I turned right, into the wind for another block and then turned again to head to the park. I stopped again to stretch my shin and walked a bit, the ache is pretty bad and it wasn't going away. I stopped to take another pic at the 2 mile mark:

Too funny! Great mile marker! I headed into the park and ran two laps. I needed to do over 3.5 miles to make my SparkPeople Running Group goal of 60 miles for the month of October. I thought I needed 3.6, so I planned my route home with that number in mind, runing down some dead end side streets.
I go home and stretched, and then took down the cemetary in the front yard so nothing would blow away during the storm.
I came inside to record my distance, only to find that I am .1 miles short! ACK! Oh well, maybe Wednesday the storm will have quieted down enough for me to run a couple miles! We are off of school (which is where I work) for the next 2 days for sure, possible Wednesday. Here's hoping the power stays on!

Are you dealing with Sandy this week?

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