Saturday, October 27, 2012

Monster Dash 5K

Last year at this time, a Tropical Storm hit Point Beach the day of the Monster Dash. I ran 2.something miles in wind, sleet, rain, and blowing sand. It was not fun, but I finished the shortened course.
When I heard that Sandy was heading right for us, I was afraid of a re-run of last year's race. Not so! The weather was amazing, and my hubs, some of our friends from his office, and some of my friends from town all got together before hand for some photo ops:

The race started on the boardwalk, and the first few minutes were kinda packed-like-sardines-ish, but once we hit the street everyone spread out, and we could actually run. We should have moved up to the front, but I don't think we lost much time. The hubs, who never ever runs, stayed ahead of me the whole time. Frustrating, lol, but kinda cool, too. His company paid his race fee, which was very cool.  After the first mile, my shin started to ache, and by the second mile, it full on hurt. I did manage to finish in just over 31 minutes, which is pretty cool considering it hasn't even been a week since my Half Marathon.
Hubs finished just ahead of me, and is Stepdad finished 2 minutes ahead of us,
We even knew some winners! My friend Tammy's daughter, who is only in seventh grade, finished 3rd woman overall! She finished in 22 minutes! Amazing! My friend Melissa won our age group, although I don't know what her time was.
I did win a door prize, which never happens!
Cool, huh?
Here is a pic of me wearing my Zombie dash medal after the race:
Sorry it's sideways, lol!
I got a lot of compliments on my costume! There were alot of very cool costumes: Buffy the Elf, a woman ran in her wedding dress, a sexy 70s cop, Things 1 thru 10, to name a few. Lots of super heroes as well.

Did you run a Halloween race this weekend? Is Sandy heading your way?


  1. what a fun run! I must sign up for a dress up one next year! it looks like a blast. Hope you stay safe from sandy!

    1. It was a lot of fun, the costumes were crazy! Thanks, I live at the Jersey Shore, she is heading right for us! I am sure i will have plenty of pics when it is all over!

  2. As I sit here searching for photos from the race (my first 5k) I find my uncle (yellow shirt - first photo) in the background of your picture!

    1. Alexis, that's hysterical! Did you try looking at their facebook page? There are some pics up there!

    2. I did, but none are during the race. I did see quite a few people taking pictures during, but I think they probably took a back burner since Sandy started coming in the next day
