Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Non Scale Victories

We all know what they are, those wonderful things that happen at just the right moment, that moment when the scale isn't budging but you suddenly realize it doesn't matter. The NSV. Non.Scale.Victory.

I received an invitation in the mail the other day for a Fundraising Dinner, one that has been on my calendar for months anyway, and I was so excited! This will be my first, and I have always wanted to go to one. It is next month, 6 weeks away. Then comes the big question. What will I wear?

I have a whole selection of dresses in the back of the closet, some that fit, some that don't. I have 2 that I just love, and neither has fit well in a really long time. The first was a dress I wore in Vegas over 2 years ago when hubby and I did a vow renewal. Can you guess where we did it? That's right, the only way to truly get hitched in Vegas. Elvis baby!

Sorry about the picture quality, I snapped a photo of a photo lol. Anyway, it was the best night ever, I laughed the whole time. That guy was *awesome*. He sang as he walked me down the aisle, he sang as he married us. He sang afterwards. He rocked, literally and figuratively! But back to the dress. It is a size 10, and I am wearing Spanx in this pic. The dress fit. But there was little room to spare. Flash forward 2.5 years, and at this time last year you couldn't get me into that dress. No way. Amazing what a 30 pound weight loss can do for a gal! I tried this dress on last night, but it's still a no go. It's too loose! WOW! Did not see that one coming!
The 2nd dress I pulled out, thinking of it as an incentive dress. You know the kind, you hang it on the wall somewhere, so that you see it *every day*, as an incentive to lose weight. I did it once before with a shirt that said 13 point Freakin One. I wore it after I ran my first Half, but it hung on the wall for almost 5 months as incentive. Once again, back to the dress. This dress reminds me of Marilyn Monroe's epic white dress.

Only my dress is black. And a size 8. I decided to try it on, see how much work there was still to be done. Only there isn't. Not that I can't use some tummy firming, and my arms are not as cut as they once were. I am working on that, though. I was truly shocked to find that the dress fits. It fits! And it looks awesome! No Spanx necessary. And I still have 6 weeks to go! WOW!
Maybe I will buy some new shoes, lol. And I will definitely share a picture!

So back to the real world, for now. I got in a 3 mile run today. My nice, easy pace worked out to be a 10.5 minute mile! I really am improving my pace! woot! Only 5 more days until

So excited!
And even more exciting? Tomorrow  morning (Wednesday) is 99 days until we leave for Disney for the Marathon!
Let me leave you with another favorite picture of one of my all time favorite people:


  1. Way to smash your goals! I am so excited for you about those dresses. And damn right, it's notabout the scale ;-)
