Monday, September 16, 2019

Training Update and Tapering

Last Saturday, the 7th was final long run. Because of the way my training went, I ended it with an 18 miler instead of a twenty. I did this with NYC as well, so I am thrilled with the fact that I was able to do this for Berlin. I managed a twenty miler for Chicago, but while attempting to train for Marine Corps 2018, I had to bump down to the 10k because training after an injury didn't go as planned. I couldn't even get to 16! 

Image may contain: one or more people, outdoor and water

Because the 18 miler took so much out of me, and because the3 chafing that accompanied it was so uncomfy, I rested Sunday through Tuesday. (TMI? it's a running blog, and to be expected!) Tuesday I had planned to run at night, but my son needed my car for work and the run never happened. Could I have run at home? Totally. But I didn't!

Wednesday I taught yoga. I was so stiff, but I definitely felt better at the end. I also walked a mile.

Thursday morning, I ran 3 with Mel. She definitely pushed me to go faster, which was fun!

Midday, I did a 15 minute strength workout that focused on core strength.

Thursday night I ran another 2 miles and walked a half mile with the 5k Crew, followed by a plank. 

Friday I ran errands, one of which was to pick up this cool massage ball that I won at Saturday's long run!

Saturday we had a 10 mile run. The first 7 was done with the whole pace group, and the last 3 were done with the two ladies with upcoming races. Part of coaching for me, is making sure everyone gets their miles and no one runs alone. I have some ladies training for races that are coming up soon, and some training for a race that is in December. 

Afterwards, the hubs and I drove over 1.5 hours each way to pick apples. Seems silly, but we always used to go when we lived in Jersey, and we haven't gone since we moved to SC. In Jersey, it was a 30 minute drive. We probably walked a mile or so while we were there, it was so beautiful out!

Sunday was Goat Yoga. An hour of yoga, some fun posing afterwards, and then a mile walk round trip (maybe a little less) to get some yummies at Amelie's. 

What was your favorite workout this week?

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