Monday, September 30, 2019

Berlin Marathon

I didn’t finish.
I don’t totally have words for how mortified I am. 
I trained. 
I did everything right.
I woke up with a bit of a cold and feeling off but I was sure it didn’t matter.
At mile 8, they started opening the roads to pedestrians and the occasional car.
At mile 13 the bus caught up with me.
At mile 14 they swept me.
I didn’t quit. But I didn’t finish.
Berlin was amazing and I’m glad I came here, but the marathon just wasn’t meant to be.
I’m pretty much done crying although the occasional thing sets me off. 
I’m disappointed in myself and I feel like an idiot, but I could not possibly have done more. 
Up until the second I got on the bus I was convinced that I would finish.
I’m concentrating on half marathons for a while, I don’t think I have another marathon in me right now. 


  1. awe man so sorry to hear that happened. Sometimes that's just running, it doesn't work with us when we most need it to.

    1. Thank you, I’m mostly over it, and I have an ultra in November for a redemption run
