Sunday, December 30, 2018

2019 Goals and my Word of the Year

If you've followed me for awhile, you know I don't believe in resolutions. Every year I pick a word and use that as a theme for the year.

I pick a lot of mini goals, knowing that I won't meet all of them, and that some will need to be expanded!

I will try and talk about all of them today!

Read 50 books.

My daughter made that for me yesterday. In 2018, I read 79, and am working on number 80 but I may not finish it. I'm guessing that this will be a goal I expand on at some point.

Run in a new state. I will be running in Kentucky in 2019!

Complete Run the Year 2019. This will be my 4th year, plus I'm leading the Charlotte NC sub group. I have a team of 5 peeps so I know my team will reach the goal early. I will also aim to hit that goal on my own.

3750 Twitter followers. I'm pretty close to this now, so I'm hoping to expand it to 4000 at some point.

3500 Instagram followers. This is always a little harder for me.

Get 5 new yoga students. I made this goal last week and have gotten new students since then! Hopefully the new trend continues in 2019.

Run my 65th half marathon. If all goes well, this will happen at Tobacco Road in March!

Do 10 Class Pass Workouts. I've been adding Barre into my rotation, and the occasional kickboxing class. I'm hoping that I reach this goal early and expand on it.

Earn CEUs. I really need to keep learning, and I have a schedule all worked out!

Complete the Georgia Jewel. I am registered for the 18 miler. Let's hope it doesn't kill me.

Run 750 miles. I hit the 600s this year but didn't reach 700. Darn injury.

Beat a 39:59 5k

2019 Moonjogger Miles, and become a Colonel. I am pretty close in my lifetime miles, it will definitely happen, just not sure how soon. I wont be able to expand on this, I'm sure, since the next level is another 2,000 miles.

Beat a 52:02 four miler

Beat a 1:30:41 10k

Beat a 1:14:41 trail 8k

Beat a 50:12 trail 5k

Complete 10 Burn Boot Camps. I'm signed up for 6 weeks of unlimited classes, this should be easy so long as I don't get lazy.

Beat a 7:15:36 marathon. I'm looking at you, Berlin.

Run 25 races. I'm currently registered for 18, so I might actually make this one! I came close last year, but fell short.

#24in48 I signed up for an event in January, but I will probably have to try again during a less busy weekend. Basically you read for 24 hours in a 48 hour period. My brain might explode,but it will be fun.


Do a pull up. I'm hoping that my weeks at Burn will get me there!

Beat a 2:14:08 15k

Raise $1000 for MDA

Run Berlin

Finish the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge

Go Horseback Riding. This was one of my fears in 2018 that I didn't get to face.

Beat a 2:57:12 half marathon

Lose 5 pounds. This is my arch nemesis for sure.

850 Pinterest followers. I just hit 800 last week, hopefully this is a reachable goal!

1500 Facebook followers. I have never reached this, it's been a goal for about 3 years!

2:00 plank. I probably could have done this in 2018 but I got lazy!

Beat a 1:07:35 8k

Not too bad, right? When I reach a goal, I fill in the square. I love watching it fill in! I might add some as the year goes on, which is why I leave plenty of empty spaces!

What are your goals for 2019?

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