Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Rock n Roll Brooklyn Half Runner Swag

I am addicted to Rock n Roll races. I think I've done at least one a year for the last few years. This year I am registered for 3!
I've already completed DC. In the rain. With plantar fasciitis.
I will be doing Philly on Halloween.
Up next, however, is Brooklyn.

How great is that shirt and bling?
When a friend of mine found out that I was running it, she sent me this:

It is so comfy! She sent  a bracelet as well. I have the.best.friends.

So. In addition to the awesome shirt and tee, I get bonus bling because it's my 2nd race in 2015.
It's called the double beat, on the bottom right. When I finish Philly I get the Rock Trio, top center. After Philly, I also get a bonus jacket and another bonus bling.....

All this, plus super organized races, great race support, and an awesome expo. Why wouldn't you run one of their races?
I should probably mention here that I am NOT a Rockin Blogger, nor do I get anything for this post. I really just love this race series. 
I am hoping to run Dublin in 2016. How about you?


  1. I want your friends. LOL. I wish I could do Philly but I signed up for a 5k in NYC that day.

  2. So awesome!
    I have to agree they do put on awesome races, I have run 4 of RnR series races and each one was great. So many people complain about them being too large, but most races are these days. When you can pull off a large race and have awesome support and not run out of stuff for runners, that say's your doing it right. I can't say the same for a Disney race I ran years ago, but RnR I agree with you they are awesome:) and I don't get paid to say that either, LOL
