Saturday, September 19, 2015

That Time We Rode a Marathon

At some point during the week, the hubs texted me with his grand plans for a bike ride. Last weekend we rode 13.6 mikes and it just about killed him. His plans were for a ride to and from the park where we got married just over 20 years ago.
Well, it's 6 miles to the bike path, plus 7 more to the park. And the  we have to come back.
Oh my heck.
Last night we went out with friends and I emded up in bed just after 1. And then the cat woke us up at 2. And then I overslept.  We ended up leaving at almost 10:30 instead of 8.

It was a great day for it, there was a nice breeze almost the entire time, lots of shade. But also a lot of hills. Traffic was bad as well, due to.the Seafood Festival in town, but the bike trail was blissfully empty.

There was a craft show there, so walked a bit before we started back. It's always nice to visit the church where we got married!

The ride back was a little rougher, and I was really feeling yesterday's squats and lunges. Luckily, the spot we chose for lunch was at the end of the bike trail, so we got to take a break sooner this time.

There was also more traffic on the way back and we had some close calls. I was very happy to be back home! My legs are very tired now, and the couch is calling me!
Tomorrow is the last day of 21 Day Fix, I will post my results on Monday!