Thursday, July 11, 2013

Summer Running with Dermagist...and a giveaway!

I was provided with a Dermagist Acne System in exchange for this post. I was not compensated in any other way and, as always, all opinions are my own!!

I was contacted in May by Nicole at Dermagist offering me a chance to review one of their cleansing systems. I have pretty decent skin, but with summer coming, I knew I would need a little extra help, so I jumped right on board!
For any of you that run outdoors in summer, you know what I am talking about! Sweat! When you are running in the heat, and you start to sweat, your first and usual reaction is to swipe it off. Forehead, around your mouth, your chin. You are focused and hot, and you don't really think about what it will do to your skin! If you are wearing sunscreen, and I hope you are! it only gets worse! Within a day or two, you have acne! UGH!
I also tend to get acne on my temples. Not that nasty, obvious stuff. But it is there all the same.
I was so excited to receive my Detoxifying Acne Cleanser in the mail, but I was also a little apprehensive. I have tried acne systems in the past. You know the ones: you can only get them in mall kiosks usually, and they are EXPENSIVE. They also dry your skin out! My cheeks tend to get a little dry as it is, but that one brand always made it so much worse, that eventually I would have to stop.
That is why this review took so long. I wanted to be sure of the product before I brought to my readers' attention!
The first time I used it, I noticed the scent right away. Nothing too strong, just a nice citrus sort of scent, which I loved! I don't like strong scents, they give me headaches, so this was perfect! I also noticed how moisturized my skin felt. It was amazing! I woke up the next morning, and my skin still felt amazing! Flash forward, and still amazing! Visible difference right away with my skin, and loving what it is doing for my temples!  I will definitely be keeping this in my cabinet!
From the website:
It’s the science behind the ingredients, and more importantly, the LACK of harmful chemicals like Benzoyl.  This cream and cleanser contain Resveratrol, which was studied at Oxford to be (when formulated correctly) very effective at targeting acne prone skin.  In fact, when compared to other common ingredients, Resveratrol proved MORE effective.   Plus, it has anti aging and soothing properties to help skin stay young looking and smooth.

Who doesn't love that?
I am so happy with this system, and their Acne line carries a scar fading system as well! Dermagist also carries Anti-Aging products, for those of you who don't have acne issues, and Daily Maintenance products as well. Their pricing is similar to that other company, but I find the products to be so much better!
You can find Dermagist:
on the Web
on Facebook
on Pinterest

Want to win an Acne System for yourself?
a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you are sweating like this when you run, be sure to keep your skin clean afterwards! You will thank me later!

Do you run outdoors in the summer, or stick to the dread mill and stay cool?


  1. Ugh. This heat is causing all sorts of issues with my skin! thanks for the giveaway! I'll have to try them out!
    ~robin @

  2. The humidity causes bad breakouts in the summer for me

    1. I hate the humidity, it is half the battle here in NJ! good luck!

  3. my face is a break out machine

  4. My skin is just so stressed out right now and the warm summer air isn't helping.

    1. ohno! I hope it improves soon! It just seems to be getting hotter and hotter here in NJ, though! Hoping for some rain, which I usually hate!

    2. I heard it does wonders for your skin and really would love to clear up some of my trouble spots

  5. I struggle with acne year round but it is way worse in the summer with more running, heat humidity and everything else. Add to that working crazy hours, studying and planning a wedding-- I can't seem to catch a break with my acne! Worse than ever!

    1. stress and sweat are not a good combo! Good luck!

    2. I get breakouts once or twice a month- doesn't matter how much water I drink, medicine I use, etc. Stubborn acne!

    3. that's the worst! Good luck!!!

  6. During that time of the month, my acne just flares up. This seems like it would be pretty helpful

    1. oh, mine is like that as well, so frustrating! Good luck!!

  7. I have been breaking out more often- due to stress unfortunately

  8. Would love to try this on my chin and nose!
