Sunday, July 7, 2013

Dopey Training, Week One!!! Revolt Style

The weather in Jersey has been unbearable hot this week, but I couldn't let that stop me! Dopey training started this week! Without further ado, I present this week's sweat sessions workouts!

Monday: My first day of Dopey Training!!! I ran 3.3 miles with my friend Cheryl, and did Revolt Cardio! I also did day one of an ab challenge, squat challenge, and a plank!

the run, and the countdown!!!

Cardio, plus the ab challenge I am doing! 
Tuesday: 1.3 miles for the Run Streak,  Revolt  lower body, and a training ride for the duathlon, 3.5 miles. I also dis the ab challenge, plank, and squats.

my first training ride! I had to fix the chain!

Wednesday: 1 mile run, hiking with the teenie while geocaching, and a yoga/pilates DVD. We also walked the pups. I did my abs, squats, and plank as well.

Thursday: Firecracker Five, a dog walk, squats, and plank. I also finished the Run Streak, wooohooo, my first one ever! This was my second Dopey training run!
finisher photo!


roses were the bling!

Friday: 4.4 mile duathlon training ride, Revolt Upper Body, abs and a plank.

Saturday: 2 mile bike ride to the beach for yoga! I LOVE  yoga on the beach! I also did my squats, abs, and plank!

Sunday: My last training run for the first week of Dopey Training! I found out, just before I left, that I was paired up with Bruce, for the I Run For Michael program! They pair runners up with special needs kids who cannot get out and run on their own! If you know anyone who would like to run, there is a short waiting list. They are pairing up runners as fast as they can, they also need kids! There is a facebook page as well! SO, I did a 5 mile trail run today, with a mom from my MRTT Chapter. She was nice enough to slow it down for me, and paired me up with someone who runs my pace for future runs!
What did you do this week to keep your body moving?


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome week! I am totally having a panic attack over starting Dopey training/finishing my training for Dumbo! I swear, I question my sanity every single day... ;-D

    1. I hear ya there! Every time I add another race for this year, I wonder how it will effect Dopey. Then I question whether I will finish Dopey! So many people hint that I won't finish, but I know I will!

  2. Wow! You worked really hard! DisneyGroom is doing #DopeyChallenge and is also ramping up his workouts. It's felt awfully hot to get in a lot of miles running, so 've been hitting the bike and the pool lately to prepare for a tri. Your post makes me think I should add some more strength training though. (At least I can do that indoors.)
    ~DisneyBride #SPA #BlogLove

  3. I hear ya on that heat! I did a 3 mile run today, and I am still hot and now I have a headache! I have lower body on the schedule as well, which will have to wait awhile!
