Saturday, March 2, 2013

Edgar's Irish March to Save the Beach

Thanks to the Running Gods! Races have started at the Jersey Shore, and this weekend I have 2! Woot! I truly need races to keep me motivated to exercise sometimes, and I am so glad that race season has started!

Today's race was more of a Fun Run, and the Hubs even came with me, along with some friends. Instead of tees, we got awesome green hoodies, which I ran in due to the extreme cold! I am not usually one to run in a shirt before I finish a race, but it was a Fun Run so I let it slide this time!
The race started and ended at Edgar's Pub, and we ran through a Base, which was cool.

The course was mostly road, but there was some gravel as well, which made it hard going. It was pretty thick gravel, so it was a little precarious at times! I ran with my friend Cheryl, and the Hubs ran with his friend Rick. Hubs usually runs with me and then bolts ahead to beat me. Every. Darn. Time. It always frustrates me, because I run 2-4 times a week, and he runs, well, never. A mile here or there, but that's about it! AND he runs in jeans and Vans.

Cheryl and I finished in 21:56, and the total mileage was 2.13, so we averaged at a 10:18 paces, which I was thrilled with, since I haven't really raced since November. Jon finished about 3 minutes later. Woot! I finally beat him! I also kept up with Cheryl, for only the second time ever! She usually finishes a few minutes ahead of me!

It was a great run, and a fun time with friends, the perfect start to Jersey Shore Racing! We even stopped back at Edgar's for some free food and drinks (beer for them, unsweetened iced tea for me!). Cheryl's brother won the race, which was also exciting. He finished around in around 14 minutes!

When I got back, I prepped my Flat Mama for tomorrow's Half, the E Murray Todd Half Marathon.

This is my first official Half of the year, my second Half for my 13 in 2013 Goal. I am running with my friend Eileen, so I am very excited! I LOVE RUNNING WITH FRIENDS!!! 

I will also be sporting my new wrist wallet, that I got in this month's #NewYearNewGear exchange! Becky from Olives n Wine sent me my goodies this month, and she hooked me up with new socks, a wrist wallet, and a jump rope (to help me cross train!)

(Yes, my Christmas table cloth is still on my table. Nobody's perfect, lol) I wore the wrist wallet today and it was so Perf! I wore the black side out today but will reverse it tomorrow, and put the yellow side out to match my Half Fanatics Ensemble. It was so comfy and it didn't get all sweaty and gross. Awesome!!!!
Thanks Becky, you rock!!!!

Are you racing this weekend?


  1. Your race outfit reminds me that I need to join half fanatics. After running 12 half marathons in 2012 I have earned it :)

    Good luck with your half! Can't wait to hear all about it.

    1. Jill, you really do need to sign up! You have def. earned it, you go girl!
