Monday, March 25, 2013

40th Birthday Surprise Party!

Next week is my 40th Birthday, and the hubs had been asking me where I wanted to spend the weekend as a present. I kept offering up ideas, but he wasn't really taking the bait! So frustrating!
There was a method to his madness!
My friend Pam asked me if I wanted to have a late girl's night dinner, and she was going to pick me up at 8:45. We invited my friend Grace as well. I was looking forward to it and feeling lazy all at the same time. I almost went out in sweats, but at the last minute I decided to shower and get dressed instead. After we all got picked up, Pam suggested Marlins, a bar/pizza joint in Point Pleasant Beach. We all talked about how excited we were to be getting out, and I may have possible complained that the hubs was not planning my weekend trip. Maybe.
When we got to Marlins, I noticed a table full of guys staring at us, and I told Pam they were creeping me out. I looked to the right, and noticed that a guy at one of those tables looked just like my brother. He lives over an hour away and my brain just didn't make the connection! I was about to tell the girls about it, when everyone over there yelled "Happy Birthday!"
Not the best pic, lol, but I wasn't expecting it! All of my favorite people were there! He invited all of my friends, and my most of my family, even my parents came! They live over 3 hours away, so we don't see each other as much as I would like! They slept over as well, which was even better!
It was a cocktail hour with finger foods and an open bar, so everyone had a great time :)
My little photographer Boy left early so there aren't many pictures! The cake came out at the end of the night, and it was another great surprise!
My friend Sylvia, who owns the bakery, snagged the pic from my Facebook page. Cool, right?
A great night was had by all, and when I returned home, I opened my gifts! Among them....
Two, yes two! Gift Certificates to two different running store! Woot! I see new race outfits in my future!
Two gift cards to restaurants
beautiful jewelry, including a Pandora bracelet meant to hold charms that remind me of races!
My mom also got me a charm of a running girl!
I love my friends and family, they are awesome! My hubs did a nice job with this party, I even forgive him for tricking me about that weekend away. Almost ;)

Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party? Did you like being surprised?


  1. Happy birthday. I had a party for my 30th. I turn 60 in May. Hintnhint

    1. Thank you :) I hope you get surprised in May! happy early birthday!!!

  2. Awwe how sweet! I dont remember my last surprise party and I am not sure if I would like it as a party but a surprise guest or two is awesome!

    1. I told him I didn't want a party, but I gotta say, it was super nice after the shock and embarrassment wore off! It was just the right number of people!

  3. Happy Birthday and Welcome to 40. Looks like a fabulous party and I am so glad you had a good time!

  4. Happy Birthday!Looks like it was a great party!
