Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sugar n Spice Vox Box from Influenster

I was so excited to receive my second Vox Box in the mail last week! It is always such a fun treat to open the box and find out what is inside! Influenster provided me with the box, and now I get to test all the goodies out and report back and let them (and you) know how I liked them!

So cool, right?
I have yet to try *every* product, but let me give you the play by play from what I have tried so far!
I will start with Dickinson's Witch Hazel Oil Control Towelettes! The teenie stole these right away and she is loving them! Dickenson's included coupons as well. The first 4 peeps to ask can have one, worth $2 off! You can follow Dickinson's on Twitter via hashtag here!
Blogger fail! sorry it is upside down!

Next, is the Vaseline Spray & Go Moisturizer Total Moisture. You spray it on, rub it in, and you are ready to go! I couldn't wait to try this! It works really well! There is no wetness once you rub it in. You can get dressed right away! LOVE it! Check them out on Twitter and using #SprayandGo

Next is nectresse from Splenda. I have yet to try this one, but I am excited about it. I am allergic to aspartame, and I use Splenda occasionally, so having one made from monk fruit is so cool! It even came with a booklet with some recipes in it! They have a hashtag on Twitter!

Next in my magical box of goodies is a trio of products from Colgate, one of my preferred brands of toothpaste! They sent full sized toothpaste, mouthwash, and brush from the Optic White Regimen! My current tube of toothpaste is almost gone, so I will be using these soon! Follow them on Twitter and using #BrilliantSmile

Last, but definitely not least, is the package of BelVita Biscuits! I LOVE these, especially during long runs and Half Marathons. They are dry, but not too dry, and they are light, so they don't stay in your stomach like a lump! I have very few things that I can eat before a race, so I am thrilled with these! My faves are apple or blueberry. The package that came in the box is Cinnamon Brown Sugar, and i will try them before my next big race! They are also on Twitter and you can find comments and praise at #BreakfastBiscuits

Are you an Influenster? 


  1. I haven't heard of Vox Box before, but they sure provided you with a variety of useful items.

    1. Influenster sends the VoxBox, it is a great program, you fill out surveys, etc and if they think you qualify, they invite you to try out a Box. I also got to test dish detergent, lots of fun!
