Sunday, March 10, 2013

"In the Zone" While Running?

Have you ever gone a run and gotten so into your own head, that you lose track of where you were actually running?
Today was the 3rd Training Run for the NJ Marathon/Long Branch Half Marathon that will take place in May. They called it the Hot Chocolate Run, but I forgot to look for the hot chocolate at the end! It was supposed to be in the 50s, but instead it was overcast and temps were in the high 30s. I got to the start location just in time, and waited my turn to start. While we waited, we got a preview of the shirt we will be getting at the race, and I definitely dig the design. *Completely* different than last year's shirt!

When my turn came up (they let us go in groups of 15, to avoid clogging the roadways) I started off, intending to run the 15K. They had little signs at the turns, telling us which way to go. I did my first out and back, mostly along the ocean, and it was super windy and cold!  3 miles down, stopped for a drink of water, and started off on the next out and back, in the other direction. I was running along, totally in my own little world, when I lost sight of the people ahead of me. They totally disappeared! I started to worry, because we were in a part of town I didn't know, and there was no one around. Another runner came up behind me, and said she couldn't find any signs. I was so relieved it wasn't just me! We ran along a bit longer, still no signs and no people, and we decided to turn back.
We chatted the whole way, she was very friendly, and would be running the Half as her very first Half, which was coincidental, because it was *my* first Half last year! When we got back to the start, I had hit 6.6 miles, which I settled for, since a 10K is nothing to sneeze at, and I had a little extra lol.
I stopped for some pics of the view before going into the Running Store that sponsored the run to take a look around.

I browsed around the store, which had a small selection of clothes. They had some great Running Skirts, all in either Small or Large and alas, I am a Medium. They were super funky too, which would have been great for the April Fool's Half! I decided to look for costume pieces for the Superhero Half in May, and found a perfect shirt!

Can you guess who I am going as?


  1. First, my guesses: are you going to be Flaah? Spider-woman? Daredevil? :-D

    Secondly, I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and I see that we're both from Jersey (I'm based in Union County)! I just ran my first half in February in Disney (the Princess Half), and I also did the Miles for Music 20K in Highland Park this weekend.

    I'm now completely I'm trying to decide on some local half marathons this spring, and I've been looking at both the Long Branch Half and the Superhero Half! I was wondering if you had a preference between the two...or if you think they're both worth doing? I'm still a newbie, so I'm pretty much clueless. Any advice would be awesome!

    Thanks so much, and I'm so glad I found your blog! :-D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oops, that's "Flash," not "Flaah." Sorry! ;)

  4. All good guesses.....but no! I will post another pick when I get my running skirt lol

    SO jealous you ran Princess! I plan to run it next year with some girlfriends! I did Long Branch last year as my first and I became totally addicted! I did 4 last year, and plan to do 13 this year! One live race, one virtual down, 11 to go!
    Long Branch was great, scenic, great spectators, not too many hills. I haven't done SuperHero yet, but a friend of mine did, and she loved it and is doing it again this year! I am glad you found my blog, I am heading over to yours :)

    1. Haha, sounds good!

      Princess was SO much fun! Definitely not a race you do to PR (it was ridiculously crowded), but I couldn't have chosen a better first half experience! You'll love it.

      That is AWESOME -- good luck on your 13 in 13! You're super inspiring!

      Thanks for the tips -- both races sound like a blast. Perhaps I'll do both... ;-D

  5. I know what the red shirt is for, but I'm not telling. LOL. Sometimes you just get into a groove. Glad you found your way back. They said that shirt design was for this year? I have a shirt with that exact design from 2 or 3 years ago. Hmmm.

    1. shhhhhhhhhhh lol
      they showed us a shirt at the run, the pic above is just their logo, although the shirt did have a lighthouse on it.
