Friday, August 17, 2018

7 Year Runniversary!

7 years ago today I started running using the Couch to 5k app. It wasn't pretty and sometimes it was not fun. I stuck with it, though, and ran the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure that Fall.

Since then I have run 222 races! I love that number! 60 of those were half marathons and 4 were full marathons!

I thought about looking up some pics from favorite races, but Facebook Memories came to the rescue with these little gems, all posted on this day in the past.

The last 2 are from Biggest Loser Erie, which is still my fastest ever half marathon, 5 minutes faster than my previous PR.

Love it!

How many years have you been running? Do you still remember that first day?


  1. 7 years for me too. I signed up for a 5k walk through WW but there were some runners so I would run to a stop sign then a tree know what happened after that #raceaddict LOLOL

    1. lol total race addict! I think I am doing the epic meet up race again in 2019.... Runners World Hat Trick!
