Saturday, October 28, 2017

Tips for Enjoying Rock n Roll LA

Ok y'all, BibRave and the folks at the Rock n Roll race series hooked me up with a free entry as part of being a BibRave Pro. Check out to read and write race reviews.

Unfortunately, due to some personal issues, I had to stay home. However, I have run a ton of Rock n Roll races so I feel like a pro anyway!

Here are a few tips for enjoying any race, but especially a Rock n Roll race.

Don't wear anything new on race day. This is probably the most important one of all. This can be tricky with a costume race, but it's so important. Find a 5k before the event and wear your costume.

I have the best luck using running clothes and changing them up a bit, but that's not always possible.
Also, no matter how much you love the finisher shirt or the cute stuff you bought at the expo, don't wear it on race day. Chafing at mile 8 can make those last 5 miles torture.

Read every email they send you, and sign up for race day texting. If there is a weather delay, you don't want to find out when you get to the start and are wondering where all the people are. And why the sky looks so scary. I speak from experience!

Line up in the proper corral. They gave you that assignment for a reason, they know what they're doing. Also, use a recent race finish time when you register. That race you ran last year that was totally flat and you haven't run as well since is not the race to use. Lining up in the wrong corral can get you jostled and knocked over by faster runners and it is not fun!

Take all the pictures!

Unless you are aiming for a PR, I highly recommend it. I do a 2:1 run walk and I take pics during that 1 minute walk break. It's so much easier to remember bits of your race that way!

Check a bag or leave one with your sherpa. I always put my Oofos, a change of clothes, band aids, and shower pills, as well as some body glide in case something chafed.

Don't eat anything new the day before the race. Stick with something simple like pasta or a burger. Now is not the time to try out some spicy Mexican food or Thai food.

Hydrate for days. For real, people, drink all the water. You don't want a migraine after the race! Also, drink a lot post race. Nooooo, not a pina colada.... water! If you are dehydrated, you can experience that pesky migraine, and you can also get really sick. It is not fun!

If you are visiting the area for the first time, try and resist seeing all the sights the day before the race. You don't want to run on tired legs, and seeing those sights after the race can be really good for your stiff legs.

Wear that medal proudly on race day, and even the day after. It's a proud moment, you should show it off. Plus, it explains why you are walking so funny...

I'm sure I could go on for days, but this will give you a good start. Remember to have fun! Pain is temporary but bling is forever. Enjoy the crazy signs, take some candy from strangers, and enjoy that post race beer of chocolate milk. You earned it!

What advice would you give to someone running their first race?

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