Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August Goals

It a been awhile since I have set monthly goals, so I thought now would be a good time to jump back in!

July was an 80 mile month, so I'm shooting for 90 in August.

My Chicago Marathon charity team, MDA Team Momentum, is hosting a plank challenge. For every 1 minute plank I do each day, I get 1 point. I'm aiming for 2 a day to start, and then I might start reaching for 3.

I am taking part in Coach Jenny's Year long Chalenge again this year, and she is hosting a Summer Olympics. There are a bunch of daily challenges, and you check off the day if you complete it. (steps, water, exercise, veggies, etc). You count up your successful days for each mini challenge and you can earn Bronze, Silver, or Gold medals depending on how many days you completed. Make sense? I'm aiming for as many Gold medals as possible!

This summer is the second Zooma Summer Challenge. It involves trying new exercises, trying new healthy foods, and an ab challenge. We are starting week 3 and I plan to finish strong!

I have joined my first Step Bet to keep me motivated to move more throughout the day. I just finished my first week and it really had me moving more, which I loved. This challenge should take me through August and into September.

I organized biweekly yoga night at my development's clubhouse. We are using DVDs and practicing together. My goal is to practice twice a week, even on weeks where we aren't meeting twice, which can happen if someone else has the club when we would normally meet.

I started using the Headspace app to help me meditate and I'm really liking it. I used it 5 days in a row and then the weekend happened. My goal for August is to set time aside every day to meditate.

What goals have you set for August?

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