Friday, March 17, 2017

What's in Your Running Bag?

Do you have a running bag? You know, one of those tote bags or gym bags that's chock full of everything you use on a regular basis?
I used to have a drawstring bag that I would throw a change of clothes in, plus whatever else I might need at a race. I didn't use it for much else because I ran in my neighborhood. I eventually upgraded to a gym bag, which became more important when I started going to group runs, and eventually coaching at those group runs.
I was printing out tomorrow's turn by turn directions and putting them into my bag when I realized what a hot mess it was.

I decided that it was a perfect time to clean it out and also show you what I keep in there. Are you ready?

Hats and visors. There were 2 more in there but I didn't want to scare you. Seriously, y'all, I love my hats. They are all from Skirt Sports to be honest. If you stop by the website any time soon, use code 1SSCAPT20 for 20% off.

A headlamp. I never thought I would be running with one of these, but we meet on weekdays at 5:30. In the morning. It's pitch black out, and pretty much still dark when I get back home. This one is rechargeable, and I only have to charge it every other week.

My beloved Aftershokz headphones. I am glad I decided to clean this bag out because they needed to be charged before I put them back. I don't usually use them on long runs, but you just never know. Plus, I always use them on weekdays because my group doesn't come to those runs so I often run on the track alone. Booooring.

My France2 sunglasses, which I only use on Saturday runs for obvious reasons. Tomorrow it's going to rain, so I won't be needing them, but they always stay in the bag, so I don't have to search for them.

These are for plantar fasciitis. I bought them for NYC but I haven't used them since. But.... you just never know....

Sometimes a girl needs to clean up after a run. If I'm going somewhere afterwards or I just feel gross, I can hop into the bathroom at Starbucks and get cleaned up. We meet up there after every long run and just take over the place. I just know they love us. Who doesn't want 20 or 30 stinky runners drinking coffee and hanging around on a Saturday morning?

Run Gum. They were having a sale so I got some to try out. Now I just need to remember to actually, you know, try them out.

NuGo bars are always in the outside pocket. Someone gave me the gels but I don't use them, so I plan to pass them on one of these days!

Showerpills! Oh my heck, I love these. I keep a ton in my bag, in case I need to share, they are perfect for post race clean up. One wipe takes care of your whole body. For real. Perfection.

Back up ear buds. In case I forget to charge my Aftershokz, which I know will happen someday because I'm a hot mess.

KT tape, moleskin, etc. because runners get hurt. It's always best to be prepared.

My Nathan belt. I got this when I started training for NYC and wear it for every run. I always keep the water bottles full, and a Nugo bar and a chapstick in the pocket. My phone fits in there, too.

What's in your running bag?

***This post contains affiliate links. I donate the proceeds to MDA Team Momentum***
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. I've got a couple of bags in my car, the drawstring ones we get at races with stuff in them, as well as a thirty-one utility tote in my backseat for various running gear storage.
    The tote has become one for most of my hats and visors as well as BUFFs and gloves this time of year. The drawstrings come in and out of the house with me and usually have nutrition/fuel, salt sticks, change of clothes when needed, wipes for post-run, tissues, and any snacks I might need. Oh, and my Oofos are always coming with my to-go back for post-run recovery. :)

    1. my Oofos are usually in there too, I realized it after I posted. I have to put them back in there. I wore them after my last half marathon and never put them back!
