Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hit the Brixx 10k, Pokémon Go Style

Today I finally took a drive into Charlotte for a race! I've been all around the outskirts of the city but never really in it. I parked in a lot just outside the expo area, and only had to pay $5. You could park for free in a garage right in the middle of everything but then you might have to  fight traffic to get out. Totally worth  $5 to me!

I picked up my bib and tee, and stowed the tee back in my car and then headed back to find my friends. I really love the process that Run For Your Life uses, they don't pre label them, they assign you the next number when you walk up. It's such a quick process!

It didn't take me long  to find my crazy friends. They make all of my Charlotte races so much fun!

I also found Sandra, a fellow Running Buddy Ambassador. She's sporting the Buddy Clips on her bib instead of pins. I really need to order these things!

She was also wearing Skirt Sports so I had to take a pic!

The race began at 7:45, right on time. The 5k started at 9, so it was just the 10k runners on the course. At first, we were last and the cop car was right behind us, but we slowly passed quite a lot of runners. This was also about the time that Robert reminded me to turn on Pokémon Go. 

It got very silly, very quickly. We were running, and then trying to catch Pokémon on our walk breaks. I also managed to hatch some eggs and catch some new Pokémon which was exciting. I ended up with 3 new ones! It's the little things.
All went well until the last mile. The 5k had started and they were running right at us. We already knew that we were expected to get up onto the sidewalk and we were ok with that. Apparently, no one told the 5k runners because they were on the sidewalk too and they were nasty. One man said "in America, we pass on the right" when we "got in his way". Ummmmmmmmmmmm git off the sidewalk dude, we are at mile 5. You're at mile .5 and you are in the wrong place. 
Kristin and I ended up sprinting to the finish, that pic is after this one, and was taken by this awesome lady, Lissa. She PR'D today and finished under an hour! Whoa! She stayed so she could watch me finish, and then we all went and had post race food together.
Brixx had free pizza and pasta for the runners! Yummmmm

Kristin beat me to the finish! She snuck up behind me, that stinker!

Overall a great race, but the director definitely needs to inform the 5k runners about the sidewalk thing!
Week 9 of marathon training is almost over! Holy heck!
Did you race this weekend?

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