Friday, May 1, 2015

#REALWomenMove with #SkirtSports

I LOVE being a Skirt Sports Ambassador Captain. It's not just about the cute skirts, although we all know how much how I love a cute skirt. It's about the women I am meeting along the way. All ages, all shapes, all sizes, all colors. Fast runners, slow runners. Front of the pack, back of the pack.

The Skirt Sports #REALwomenmove mission statement is

We seek to change the perception of women and fitness by showing the world that being fit comes in all forms.

How perfect is that?

Real women. Real bodies. Real INSPIRATION.

A REAL woman is PROUD of who she is. I began running almost 4 years ago. Someone who was in my life at the time made me feel bad about myself, but I took back my life and began running to lose weight and to feel good about myself.

my teenie is proud of who she is

A REAL woman is CONFIDENT. This year I am training for the NYC Marathon, something I never would have imagined 4 years ago! Now I know that I can do it!

a very Confident group of women! And Tim.

A REAL woman does not JUDGE other women! No body shaming, either. We build each other up, not tear each other down. I surround myself with people who build me up.

my most supportive running buddies.


She is COMFORTABLE in her own body. It's amazing what that body can do. My body has carried me through 36 half marathons, 2 marathons, a dozen mud runs, and countless 5Ks.

She ACCEPTS and LOVES herself as she is. You have to love yourself in order to change yourself. Love the body you are wearing, and if that body needs to change, love it enough to make that change.

fellow Ambassador Captains

An ACTIVE life is important to her HEALTH and HAPPINESS. Get moving! Your body will thank you. The more you move, the better you will feel. After all the muscle pain and fatigue wears off, that is. And it does wear off. I promise.

#REALwomenmove proves that everyone can be active, regardless of your size, shape, color, age, fitness level. or ability.
#REALwomenmove empowers women to make fitness #1 in their lives, no matter how busy or demanding that life may be!
#REALwomenmove GIVES BACK. For every 5,000 #REALwomenmove hashtags, Skirt Sports will donate a Get Started Kit to a deserving woman! It will include a bra, top, bottom, socks, headwear, and possibly a surprise thrown in.

Drop by the Skirt Sports website to see how the Ambassadors move!
Check back next week for an exciting giveaway! Details to follow!

How do you move?


  1. You're training for NYC? I ran it last year. Best of luck to you!! I need to check out these skirts. They look comfy! :)

    1. YES! I'm so excited! These skirts are soooo comfy I just love them! The pockets on the shirts are awesome too, super convenient!

  2. I love everything about this! Very well said <3
