Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Marathon Training with Jeff Galloway

As a Galloway Blogger, I get these awesome tips to share with you every couple weeks. Galloway is the plan provided by Disney for all of their races, and it is how many people finish distance races! It is how the teenie and I will finish Princess in February and how I will most likely finish the NYC Marathon!

I have been working on running faster during shorter distances. My Tuesday runs with my friend Denise have been considerably faster and I am hoping that it will affect my long runs as time goes by.
I ran a very hilly 5k last weekend and it was a bit faster. I cannot wait until I start running them more frequently to see how I improve.
I have never really done hill repeats, but I plan to do them as my training calls for them, to prepare for NYC. I don't plan on letting those hills beat me!

As far as long runs, I haven't decided yet if I will run more than 20 in my training runs, other than the Delaware Monster Mash Marathon, which has become a sort of last long run before tapering. I plan to run at least the first 20 before I decide how to handle the final 10k. I may do a shorter run walk run for the final miles.

Do you Galloway?


  1. Lots of hills by me to train on.....just sayin.

    1. I wish you didn't live soooooo farrrrrrr. I plan to come to your virtual race though, it is the same day as Morgan's Orientation, but parents aren't expected to stay, so I will just leave from there.

  2. My goal is to work on speed this summer so I am going to take a look on what he has to say about that! thanks for sharing!
