Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wordless Wednesday, PiYo Edition

I am seriously loving PiYo! I am on week two right now, and looking forward to each new workout and improving on the ones I have done before!
The big reveal...

Day one....
Lower body and the Adventure Run

Working hard...

The Core workout requires shoes. Weird.

Have you tried PiYo yet?


  1. I love Chalene! She is what got me on my fitness journey with Turbofire. I've done like 3 rounds of CLX (I started doing it again, but needed a change, so I'm doing Jamie Eason's LiveFit, which is free on
    I so want PiYo, and I will get it eventually, just not available in Australia yet.
    ps: found you via Kristy @runnerwaybridalplanner

    1. ohno! Hopefully you can get it soon, it is so fabulous! I am loving what it is doing to my poor weak upper body!

  2. I am really enjoying piyo, too. The workouts seem to fly by. They are actually having a piyo training class in Dover in August. Very tempting.

    1. I looked that up, but I am racing that weekend, so long as a recent foot injury doesn't hold me back!

  3. I signed up for it. I have a wedding the night before, but I'll be fine. Very excited.
