Thursday, July 10, 2014

Packing For a Race-Cation

Tomorrow morning, at the butt crack of dawn, the hubs and I are getting up to make the 7ish hour drive to Maine for the Shipyard Old Port Half Marathon. We love Maine so we are both super excited about this short trip there!
When packing for a race, it is so important to take your time and be sure you don't forget anything! 
First step? Move the cat so you have somewhere to put your bag!

This is actually a beach bag, but the two side pockets are perfect for my kicks, and I never have to worry that my shoes will get dirt on my clothes!
I always pack my running outfit first! The compression socks are for afterwards, we are pretty much just hosing me off and hopping in the car after the race, so I want to be prepared!
See the silly cat paws? This is taking longer than necessary! Next I pack my electronics. I always pack each cord as I pack the electronic so that nothing is left behind!
I think that's the iPod I'm using! I fried my shuffle on the Fourth and I am going through all of the old iPods trying to find one that works! I hate using my iPhone, it drains the battery!
Next I pack my runner meds. You know the ones I mean! I have definitely suffered from runner's tummy more than once! I also pack vitamins, headache meds since weather can give me migraines, arnica gel for aches and pains, KT tape, suntan lotion, lip balm, and sunglasses.
Yeah, that's a kitten head. Apparently, this is fascinating stuff!
I always pack iced tea mix and Pure Via in case I can't find what I want when we are out!
I also bring business cards, in case I meet great new peeps and want to keep in touch!
What can I say? She eats paper.

I guess I should pack regular clothes as well! It will be chillier there, so I am bringing a jacket....

The hotel has an indoor pool so I am packing a bathing suit, wrap, and bringing a book just in case we have some down time!

Now for my every day clothes! I have to represent my favorite running gear! Swirlgear!

I love my Swirlgear! Of course I am packing shorts, plus a pair of capris just in case it gets too cold!
I am sure I am forgetting a few things, which is why I pack early. I will remember them as the day goes by! I also pack makeup and essentials the morning I leave.

Did I forget anything?


  1. GAME OF THRONES!!!!! Absolutely perfect reading! I'm working my way through the series for the third time, willing Martin to just FINISH ALREADY!!!!

    But I digress.

    I pack pretty much the same way - I'll also bring the snacks and things I know sit well so that I'm not stuck.

    Have a great time!

    1. I never got a chance to read, too busy! I didn't bring snacks, although I wish I had, especially when we ended up having breakfast from a vending machine on our way there!

  2. I almost always pack extra running stuff - either for different weather options or because I can't decide what I want to wear LOL.

    1. I only packed my race outfit, which is rare. I usually pack workout clothes! We biked around an island and I missed my running shorts, that's for sure!
