Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Achievement Board, Halfway Through 2014

I cannot believe we are already halfway through 2014! Last December, I created my 2014 Achievement Board and couldn't wait to start setting goals!

Let's see how I am doing so far!

  1. Master 8 new yoga poses: I have to admit, I am not really focusing too much on this one! I have almost mastered 3 new ones, mostly out of pure luck! I hope to add headstand to the list soon and maybe a few more? Time will tell!
  2. 4 pull ups in succession: Yikes! No way! I don't even know if I can handle one right now, but the boot camp classes I started taking will take care of that soon!
  3. hit the 150s: I struggle with my weight all.the.time. This one will be tough but doable. My weight hasn't moved much since January though!
  4. complete 2 marathons: These are both in October, training is going well! I did 9.3 miles today with a friend
  5. Read 30 books: 14 down, 16 to go! Currently reading Game of Thrones which will slow me down, but I have some quick reads in the pile as well!
  6. Complete a training plan (PiYO): I just started PiYo, and going strong!
  7. PR in the 10K: I decided early on to relax my outlook on PRs this year. A race course PR or even a yearlong PR would satisfy me. That being said, I ran my first ever Disney 10K, which guarantees an automatic PR. Cheating? Maybe. But I am ok with it ;) My second 10K was actually faster than Disney, imagine that! Another PR!
  8. Sparkpeople Level 18: progressing nicely, should hit level 18 by October
  9. PR in a 5 Miler: Spring Lake Five was a success this year
  10. Run 15 5Ks this year: 9 down, 6 to go!
  11. 5:00 plank: yikes, another ambitious goal. I have not been planking every day, shame on me! I have managed about a 2:00 plank so far this year, I should probably get cracking! Luckily PiYo has me planking every day, so this one might actually get met!
  12. 14 Halfs in 2014: 8 down, 6 to go! I have one in less than 2 weeks, and more in the Fall, this goal will be met by mid November!
  13. Money Challenge: I have been keeping up with this goal, and will be done with it by early November, in time for Christmas shopping for the teenie and the boy!
  14. Run 700 miles: I have no idea what my total is so far, I will have to look it up! ....... 378.3 which is more than halfway there. Wooohoooo
  15. Complete NASM studies: this has been an epic fail. I have barely cracked the books this year! I think I am in the wrong mindset or something, but I really need to buckle down!
  16. Jupiter Level in Half Fanatics: SCORE!!! I did back to back half marathons in April!
  17. 1200 followers on Facebook. 1130 so far! Plenty of time to bump that up, get on over and "like" me if you do not like me already!
  18. Run in a new state: My half marathon in a couple weeks is in Maine, which is a new state for me!
  19. Run 2 10Ks: DONE! One in Disney and one Train Run! Woot!
  20. Pass my NASM Test: Ummmmmmm, yeah. See #15.
  21. Complete 3 mud runs: My first one didn't happen because of a schedule conflict! I do have 2 more coming up this summer, though, plus ROC in NYC in September!
  22. Do the Du: My duathlon is in August. I have not been riding as much as I should, so this may be a train wreck, but it will get done!
  23. Run three 5 milers: I have one done, one this Friday,  and should have one for Thanksgiving!
  24. PR in the Half Marathon: I had a great Half in April, Runapalooza, which was a wonderful PR, wooohooo!
  25. 500 Followers on Instagram: yeah man! I have over 600 now! Follow me, if you don't already, I follow back! I post a lot, love photo challenges, and tend to post a lot of sunset and sunrise beach pics. Jersey Strong!
  26. PR in a 5K: Done!! I PR'd for the year, my 5K times just keep getting better! I also PRd at our local Summer series! Wooohooo!
  27. 2000 followers on Twitter: almost there! I am at 1940, so if you do not follow me already, please consider it! I always follow back, unless Twitter freezes me, which has been known to happen! If you follow too many, but don't have enough followers, they freeze you from following. Hasn't happened in awhile though!
  28. Fundraise $1000 for charity: So far I am at $510 for ACS and Run With Donna. Halfway there!!!

Not too bad for the first six months of the year! Quite a few of my goals are very long term, and are progressing nicely. Some.....well, they will just have to get added to my 2015 board if need be. Better late than never!

Ack! It's curling up! Seeing some color, though, which I am loving! I am sticking with aqua and lime green this year. Who knows what next year will bring? I have a few months to decide!

Did you set goals for 2014? How are you progressing towards them?


  1. Sorry, just catching up -- I've been the worst blogger lately! Anyways, just wanted to drop in and congratulate you on all the progress you've made thus far! I gotta say, sometimes reading about all your races makes me feel like a lazy bum -- no joke! You are KILLING it, girl! Also, now I kind of want to go and make an actual list of goals -- it must feel awesome to check them off as you go. :)

    1. You should totally make a goal chart, you don't realizes how far you've come until you start checking them off~
