Monday, April 29, 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

I was honored a few weeks ago to be nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by a fellow SPA! (Sweat Pink Ambassador! check out Fit Approach for more details!)
Jennifer from The Final Forty, a fellow Jersey Girl, nominated me! Thanks again, so very much, Jennifer!! What is a the Versatile Blogger Award?

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — if you can figure out how to do it.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. ( I would add, pick blogs or bloggers that are excellent!)
  •  Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

SO, let's get down to business! I would like to nominate the following awesome ladies:
  1. Lindsey at Run.Stretch.Repeat.
  2. Melissa at 13 going on crazy
  3. Gigi at Running on Candy...
  4. Jill at Fitness, Health, and Happiness
  5. Lisa at Run Fast Mama
  6. the Bride and Groom at Running Happily Ever After
  7. Mindy at Road Runner Girl
  8. Jen at Marathon Mom
  9. Laura at Mommy Run Fast
  10. Kat at Sneakers and Fingerpaints
  11. Pam and Christine at we Run Disney
  12. Joanna at Sports Bras and Sippy Cups
  13. Darlena at Run Find Your Happy Pace
  14. Mindy at Mindy's Fitness Journey
  15. Melissa at Melissa Running It
There are so many others, and I will get to week! Hmmmmm I wonder what that could mean?

Anyway, my duties call upon me to tell you all 7 things about myself! Soooooooo, here we go!

  1. I LOVE to read! I will read just about anything, I am very easily amused! My favorites, though, are Nora Roberts, JD Robb, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Dan Brown, and JK Rowling. Favorite book ever? The Stand by Stephen King.
  2. I also LOVE movies. I could watch them all day long and die happy.  I like scary movies, romantic comedies, dramas, well, just about any! Faves are Pride and Prejudice, Emma, the Stand, 50 First Dates, and the SCREAM movies. Sad, but true.
  3. I LOVE reality TV. and Cop shows. And dramas. My faves right now are Survivor, Duck Dynasty. Amazing Race, CSI and CSI NY, Blue Bloods, Revenge, and Once Upon a Time. Like I said, sad but true.
  4. I am studying to be NASM certified.
  5. I plan to run 13 Halfs this year. I have finished 5, and #6 will be this Sunday: The Long Branch Half Marathon.
  6. Not surprisingly, after #5, I am Half Fanatic #3034
  7. I have an amazing hubby and 2 amazing (most of the time) teenagers. We all get along most of the time, and only want to kill each other about 25% of the time!!!
Do you follow any of my favorite bloggers?


  1. You're so welcome! Thanks for the shout out. ;-D

    I am so jealous of all of you who are doing 13 halfs in 2013 -- I'm a little late to the party, of course, so maybe I'll plan to do 14 in 2014? Haha. Congrats -- it's such an awesome goal!

    I just signed up for Long Branch! I totally waited until the last possible second because I didn't know if it was going to be too much with the Superhero Half coming up, but I'm super excited. After registering for Dopey, I'm not afraid of anything, haha. Hope to see you this weekend! ;-D

  2. Thanks for the 13in13 Kudos. Sometimes I feel a lil stupid, but when I finish I will feel badass, lol. So excited that you will be at Long Branch. When are you going to packet pickup? I am volunteering Saturday morning! AND I will see you at Superhero as well, and at Dopey.

    1. It is DEFINITELY badass!

      It looks like I'll probably have to head down for packet pick-up on Saturday morning, so maybe I'll see you! Do you know where you'll be volunteering?

      YES -- it seems we'll be spending some time together for the next several months. Well, with thousands of other people, I mean, haha. SO excited! :-D

    2. I am thinking it will be packet pickup again, that is where all the volunteers were last year :)

    3. Awesome, hope to see you there! :)

  3. Thanks, I will get my post up soon! Good luck with NASM :)

  4. Congrats! And I know its late but I love the new look on your blog. Looking night!

  5. Thanks so much for the nomination Kim! I love to read and watch movies too! :-)

    1. you're welcome Mindy, I love reading your blog!

  6. Thanks for the nomination! I was nominated for this before, so I probably won't answer all the questions again, but I always enjoy reading them all! And best of luck at your half this weekend!!

  7. Thank you for the nomination!!! I will post mine soon!!! Love getting to know my spa sisters xoxo

  8. How did I miss this! Thank you for the nomination! I'll blog this week :)

    How did your half go?

    1. lol I posted on your wall, I thought! maybe the link got buried! The Half went well, I beat last year's time by 3 minutes :)

  9. Thank you again for the nomination! Mine goes up tomorrow ;-)
