Tuesday, April 2, 2013

40 Never Felt So Good

I am so blessed this year! Today is my 40th birthday and at 11:30 am I have already been wished well by over 60 people! They all made me smile, this one almost made me cry:

From my friend Linda on Facebook:
Happy Birthday Dearest Kim! I consider our friendship a gift. ♥ Thanks to your Barking Mad Virtual Half, I fell in love with virtual races. I gave that medal to a dear friend who beat breast cancer. You DO make a difference.

Looking back, I never would have imagined that I would have accomplished so much! When my son was born almost 14 years ago, I was overweight and tired all the time! Thanks to Weight Watchers, Tae Bo, and the Firm, I lost almost 60 pounds in the year after he was born! I have gained and lost some of that weight in the years since, I must admit, but never have I felt better than I do right now!
In the past year, I ran 5 Half Marathons, 20+ 5Ks, a 10 Miler, several 5 milers, and 3 mud runs! I started this blog, ran a Marathon, and am making plans to run Dopey! I have muscles under some of the fat that remains, and I don't need my inhaler anymore!
I still struggle with a chocolate addiction, but it is tamed, lol. I gave up Diet Soda, and aspartame. I raised close to $15,000 for Cancer Research and hosted 3 Virtual Races!
I made amazing new friends, thanks to Team Tough Chik, Sweat Pink, Shubeez, and Girls Gone Sporty! One of my new friends surprised me with this:

See? Blessed!

During my 40th year, I plan to run at least 10 more Half Marathons, countless 5Ks, at least 3 mud runs, one in which involves Zombies, 5 milers, and the Grand Finale? I am going Dopey baby! 
The hubs told me last night that for my birthday gift (which surprised me, because he threw me a nice party already!) he will pay for Dopey! Woot! That's $500 I don't have to come up with!

What's Dopey, you ask? He is not just a cute little Dwarf! To become an official Dopey runner, you must run the 5K, 10K, Half, and Full Marathon during Disney Marathon weekend! I am so glad that my good friend Colleen will be going Dopey with me, she got me through the Marathon, and I know she will get me through Dopey as well!

Here are a few pics of my Birthday celebrations over the past week!
At my Surprise party last week!

my birthday cake last night

Surprise gift came in the mail, tees for my Teenie and I to wear at our next race!

Another surprise gift hanging on my door after work today!

My class made me a card and got my favorite cupcake: Red Velvet

I am having a great 40th!!!

Do you plan on doing anything special for your next milestone birthday?


  1. Happy 40th Birthday! Welcome to the club! Based on your goals, it looks like it's going to be a great one.

  2. Aw what an awesome birthday girl!! Happy wonderful birthday!!

  3. Great goals. I cannot compete.

    1. Thank you! These goals work for me because I am adding to last year's goals, the only person you need to beat is yourself!

  4. I"m late but it never hurts to say happy birthday!!!

    I am considering Dopey...sounds crazy, which is probably why I like it!

    1. thanks! I am so excited about Dopey, loopy but so excited!
